Page 39 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 39


                                                                                        Ó   It elimates AOG when
                                                                                            installed and maintained
                                                                                            as per product instruc-
                                                                                        Ó    Long life reduces main-
                                                                                            tenance and operational
                                                                                        Ó    Charging is simple, it in-
                                                                                            cludes a short charge via
                                                                                            the cabin lighting during
                                                                                            aircraft preparation, prior
                                                                                            to the first flight of the
                                                                                        Ó    It has a simple installa-
                                                                                            tion process with ‘cut,
                                                                                            seal, stick’ installation,
                                                                                            approximate 1 hour
                                                                                            install for typical single
                                                                                        Ó    No test coupons or
                                                                                            ongoing maintenance
                                                                                            required for the contin-
                                                                                            ued airworthiness of
                                                                                            STG systems
                                                                                        Ó    Creates a water tight as-
                                                                                            sembly, preventing fluid
                                                                                            ingress damage and
                                                                                        Ó    saf-Tglo® is highly
                                                                                            durable and designed to
                                                                                            withstand the harshest
                                                                                            cabin environments.
                                                                                        Ó    saf-Tglo® has been
                                                                                            designed to complement
                                                                                            the aesthetics of cabin
                                                                                            designs and is available
                                                                                            in green glow colour or
                                                                                            our patented blue glow
                                                                                         This new saf-Tglo® photo-
                                                                                        luminescent floor path mark-
                  Check Out- World’s first                                              ing illuminates the exit ways,
                                                                                        while delivering sustainabil-
                                                                                        ity improvements across the
             sustainable emergency floor                                                product life cycle.
                                                                                         STG Aerospace designed,

                   path marker for aircraft                                             developed and certified the
                                                                                        first patented photolumi-
                                                                                        nescent floor path marking
                                                                                        system in 1995 to address
                 TG Aerospace is    path market options.      and emits light, providing   the regulatory requirements
                 all set to launch   STG plans to launch the   a highly visible emergency   for emergency evacuation of
                 world’s first      product at Aircraft Interiors   egress path, after just a   passenger cabins.
          Ssustainable emer-        Expo (AIX) in May 2024.   short charging period during   STG Aerospace claims that
          gency exit marking system,   With no electrical power   normal cabin lighting.  this technology is without
          saf-Tglo® eco E1. This is the   source needed, saf-Tglo® is                   compromising passenger
          first sustainable alternative   100% reliable.  The sys-  Some of the salient fea-  safety, performance, reliabil-
          to current emergency floor   tem simultaneously stores   tures of saf-Tglo are –   ity, or aesthetics.

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