Page 36 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 36


              Gen Phoenix, Sabeti Wain Aerospace

            and Doy Design launch industry’s first

                 fully recyclable aircraft dress cover

                 en Phoenix in     cular Dress Cover is a break-  fication requirements.  a closed-loop process, that
                 partnership with   through closed-loop solution   This first-of-its-kind, fully   can continue to be recycled
                 Sabeti Wain Aero-  that allows airlines to recycle   circular cover is upholstered   again and again. The Circular
         Gspace and Doy            100% of their end-of-life seat   in Helios, a brand-new ma-  Dress Cover marks a para-
         Design has launched aviation   covers into new seat cover   terial innovation developed   digm shift in aircraft seat-
         industry’s first fully recyclable   material with no compromise   by Gen Phoenix; made using   ing sustainability. Current
         aircraft dress cover. The Cir-  on quality, durability or certi-  recycled end-of-life waste in   seat covers are traditionally

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