Page 34 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 34


                         Boeing to test sustainable

              technologies for cabin interiors on


                 ircraft cabin inte-  ing to enable single-      ness class seats with   impossible into reality.”
                 riors is one of the   engine taxi and digital   sensors that detect     “The ecoDemonstrator
                 most challenging     taxi clearances to reduce   if someone is seated   program is among our most
         Aparts of recycling          fuel use and enhance       during taxi, takeoff   iconic flight demonstra-
         an airplane, says Boeing     safety by reducing pilot   and landing which can   tors, having tested 250
         and as the next phase in     workload                   improve safety, and    technologies since it first
         the ecoDemonstrator pro-  Ó    Airport noise: Quantify-  reduce crew work-     took flight in 2012,” said
         gram, Boeing will focus on   ing the benefits of flight   load and downtime for   Brian Moran, Boeing Chief
         strengthening operational    operation procedures,      maintenance; a touch-  Sustainability Officer. “This
         efficiency and sustain-      like steeper glide slope   less water conservation   year’s testing of various
         ability in cabin interiors.   and continuous descent    lavatory; and galley   cabin interiors aims to help
         Sustainable cabin technolo-  approach, to reduce        technologies to make   solve for the portion of our
         gies include seat cushion    community noise, fuel      cabin service more ef-  airplanes that is not reus-
         sensors to reduce crew       use and emissions          ficient and reduce food   able or recyclable while
         workload and smart galley   Ó    Waste-reducing materi-  waste                 also reducing fuel use and
         tools to improve efficiency,   als: Lighter, recyclable   “The Boeing ecoDemon-  crew workload.”
         reduce waste. Some of the    and more durable floor   strator program helps us   Out of the above 36, four
         other projects will focus on   coverings and recycled   make tangible improve-  of the cabin technologies
         single-engine taxi and digi-  carbon fiber ceiling   ments to our products –   will be featured at the 2024
         tal taxi tests to reduce fuel   panels – both made with   allowing us to reduce the   Aircraft Interiors Expo in
         usage and enhance safety     25% bio-based resin    environmental impacts of   Hamburg, Germany from
          Boeing will test ap-     Ó    Noise and weight reduc-  flying, improve the in-flight   May 22-24. Since its initial
         proximately 36 different     tion: Cabin insulation to   experience and strengthen   flights in 2012, almost ev-
         technologies on its eco-     better reduce noise and   the safety of our airplanes,”   ery platform of the Boeing
         Demonstrator program         regulate humidity and   said Stephanie Pope,      ecoDemonstrator program
         using its Extended Range     temperature, and fabric-  president and CEO of Boe-  has flown on sustainable
         777-200ER.                   covered acoustic panels   ing Commercial Airplanes.   aviation fuel (SAF), and this
                                      for the bulkhead and   “We’re grateful for the    year, the flagship airplane
         The Boeing ecoDemonstra-     galley                 many partnerships within   will fly on a 30/70 blend of
         tor projects include:     Ó    Future cabin concepts:   aviation and beyond who   SAF and conventional jet
         Ó   Airport operations: Test-  Economy and busi-    help us turn the seemingly   fuel.

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