Page 33 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 33


                                                                                        multiple lighting systems are
                                                                                        available to precisely match
                                                                                        different cabin layouts.
                                                                                         The PWI LED cabin light-
                                                                                        ing system utilizes 4,000K
                                                                                        neutral white color tempera-
                                                                                        ture LEDs and operates on
                                                                                        the aircraft supplied 28 volts,
                                                                                        with upwash in the headliner
                                                                                        and downwash lighting on
                                                                                        the side of the cabin.
                                                                                         “Our LEDs are a one-for-
                                                                                        one, pre-measured lighting
                                                                                        replacement. Since there
                                                                                        are several cabin configu-
                                                                                        rations in the Excel, PWI
                                                                                        refers to the aircraft owner’s
                                                                                        Cessna Interior Maintenance
                                                                                        Manual to configure the
                                                                                        precise replacement LED
                                                                                        system,”says  Robi Lorik,
                                                                                        president and chief execu-
                                                                                        tive,  PWI. “PWI LEDs are
                                                                                        a complete system that
                                                                                        are ready to install right
                                                                                        from the box. We even
                                                                                        add replacement dimming
                                                                                        controls,” he continued.
                                                                                        “This lighting system brings
            Cessna Citation Excel                                                       the Excel up to modern ap-
                                                                                        pearance and performance
                                                                                        standards,” he further adds.
            560XL jets dazzle with                                                      warranty, the Cessna Cita-
                                                                                         Backed by a 3-year PWI
                                                                                        tion Excel 560XL LED cabin
            new PMA-approved LED                                                        light system expands PWI’s
                                                                                        LED cabin lighting options
                                                                                        for Citation customers,
            cabin lights from PWI                                                       joining offerings for other
                                                                                        Citation models such as the
                                                                                        525 CJ1, 525 CJ2, Citation
                                                                                        V 560, and 550 Bravo, as
                                                                                        well as the Citation II 550.
                 WI has offered its   lights along with the associ-  nal switches, simplifying the   PWI also has plans for addi-
                 comprehensive flu-  ated flicker, buzz, and hum.   transition for operators.  tional business jet LED cabin
                 orescent light cabin   Moreover, transitioning from   Aircraft within the serial   lighting systems, including
          Plighting replace-        fluorescents to PWI LEDs   number range from 5001   full-color RGBW systems.
          ment solution to Cessna Ci-  results in significant reduc-  through 5349 are eligible to   In addition to the LED cabin
          tation Excel 560XL jets. This   tions in EMI and RFI.  benefit from the PWI LED   lighting system, PWI has de-
          new PMA-approved LED       The PWI LED system       cabin light system. Instal-  veloped and manufactured
          cabin light system serves   ensures hassle-free opera-  lation of the LEDs utilizes   plug-and-play LED reading
          as a direct replacement   tion, offering an extremely   the original lighting wiring,   lights approved for use in
          for the original fluorescent   long 100,000-hour service   tailored to match the specific   over 100 aircraft, including
          cabin lighting, covering the   life, no heat generation, and   fluorescent cabin lighting   the Citation family of jets.
          passenger cabin, galley, and   instant-on lighting perfor-  configuration of each air-  Furthermore, an LED Wing
          lavatory areas. The PWI LED   mance. This includs new   craft. With various cabin   Inspection Light has received
          cabin light system eliminates   dimmer controls replicate   options for tables, couches,   PMA approval for multiple
          the high-voltage fluorescent   the functionality of the origi-  and additional seating,   Citation models.

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