Page 32 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 32


                          Gama Aviation completes

                        construction of 36,000 sqm

                         parking apron for business

                               jets at Sharjah Airport

                  ama Aviation re-  c36,000 sqm of dedicated   rector, FBO, comments: “We   to travel with the utmost
                  cently completed   aircraft parking apron, a   believe what we will offer   discretion.”
                  a major milestone   discreet VVIP terminal with   in Sharjah will be unique to   Marwan Khalek, group
         Gin the construc-         optimised fast access to the   the other facilities available   chief executive officer,
         tion of its new Business   aircraft for owners and flight   in the region. Over forty   comments: “This project is
         Aviation Centre facility at   crew. Fast road connections   years of operational experi-  a strategic focal point for
         Sharjah International Airport   to DIFC and Downtown and   ence has been synthesized   the Group and is one of two
         by finishing 36,000 sqm   enhanced in-house MRO     into developing a Business   major construction projects
         parking apron. The facility,   capabilities.        Aviation Centre that offers   the Group is undertaking to
         due to open in Q2, 2025, will   In the interim Gama   a highly personal, tailored,   improve business aviation
         deliver extensive business   Aviation’s existing facility at   experience to discerning   facilities at primary inter-
         aviation infrastructure to   Sharjah International Airport   owners, their traveling as-  national airports. With this
         Sharjah International Airport.   remains open offering busi-  sociates and flight crews.   development we are proud
         The facility is designed to   ness jet travellers with sig-  Sharjah was the location of   to partner with the Shar-
         facilitate a range of business   nificant operational advan-  the first airport in the UAE   jah Airport Authority and
         jet types, helicopters and   tages with a six-minute taxi   and we are working with   recognise the important role
         future eVTOL air systems.  time, zero slot restrictions   our partners at the Airport   of the airport to support the
          The Business Aviation    and unrivalled connectivity   Authority to position this   significant developments in
         Centre will be comprised of   to aircraft for passengers   facility as a key Business   the Emirate of Sharjah, and
         a c14,000 sqm air-condi-  and flight crew.          Aviation access point to the   as a gateway to Dubai and
         tioned premium hangar, a   Tom Murphy, managing di-  UAE for those who wish    the northern Emirates.”

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