Page 27 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 27


          American Airlines                                   experience. “Part of the   customer expectations for a
                                                                                        restful experience on board.
                                                              magic of travel is connecting
          heats up summer                                     our customers to the people   In American’s research with
                                                                                        customers, travelers shared
                                                              and experiences that matter
                                                                                        that 75% prefer dual-sided
                                                              most to them. We’re taking
          travel season                                       that concept to the skies by   pillows, with different ma-
                                                                                        terials on each side of the
                                                              introducing a new, dynamic
                                                                                        pillow. Based on this feed-
                                                              onboard program that’s
          with a wave of                                      inspired by feedback from   back, customers traveling
                                                                                        across Flagship First Class or
                                                              our customers and team
                                                                                        Flagship Business Class will
          premium onboard                                     nity kit will be available   enjoy a dual-sided pillow
                                                               American’s primary ame-
                                                                                        with cool touch fabric on one
                                                                                        side, and traditional fabric on
                                                              yearlong for customers fly-
          enhancements                                        ing in premium cabins. The   the other.
                                                                                         Those traveling in Flagship
                                                              kit will include staple ameni-
                                                              ties customers have come to   First Class on international
                                                              expect while in flight, such   flights will continue to enjoy
                  merican Airlines is   their journey. In the future,   as a toothbrush, dental kit,   a set of pajamas, based
                  all set to heat up   customers can anticipate an   eye mask and earplugs, in   on feedback that 80% of
                  the inflight experi-  increasingly elevated experi-  addition to new and evolv-  first-class customers value
          Aence ahead of the        ence with the arrival of new   ing skincare products and   having pajamas onboard.
          summer travel season with   Flagship Suite seats.   offerings                 In addition, travelers in
          a wave of premium onboard   “We thoughtfully curate                           Flagship Business Class on
          enhancements to make travel   each element of the onboard   Elevated bedding inspired   all international flights will
          even more enjoyable. Cus-  experience so every custom-  by customer feedback  now enjoy slippers onboard,
          tomers will fly in style with a   er can look forward to the   Customers will travel   instead of only on ultra long-
          new, reimagined amenity kit   time they spend in flight,”   in elevated comfort with   haul flights.
          series and bedding, and sa-  says Kim Cisek, American’s   new bedding, pillows and   Customers in all cabins,
          vour new dishes throughout   vice president of customer   sleepwear that deliver on   including Premium Economy

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