Page 30 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 30


                        SIA’s revamped premium

                               economy experience

                ingapore Airlines   heightened comfort, and the   allowance of 35kg. Kris-  18.5 to 19.5 inches.
                recently underwent   extra personal space it offers,   Flyer Elite Gold and Star   Ó   Decked in full leather
                comprehensive      all at an excellent value.”   Alliance Gold members     finishing and soft
         Srevamp of its Pre-        “At Singapore Airlines,      receive an additional     furnishings such as a
         mium Economy Class in-flight   though, our philosophy is to   20kg (total 55kg), while   headrest cover, cushion,
         offerings to further delight the   never stand still. We regular-  PPS Club members re-  and blanket, the seat
         passengers and offer them an   ly gather customer feed-  ceive an additional 35kg   provides an eight-inch
         elevated in-flight experience.   back and conduct market   (total 70kg)2.         recline, a built-in calf
         In the new Premium Econo-  research, learn more about   Ó    Checked baggage have   rest, and a foot-bar for
         my, passengers can expect   the evolving value drivers   priority tags, ensuring   extra comfort.
         added amenities, heightened   for travellers, and find in-  smooth and efficient   Ó    Each seat features a
         comfort, and extra personal   novative ways to continue   travel.                 personal in-seat flex-
         space, all at great value. This   delivering a personalised   Ó    Priority boarding privi-  ible gooseneck reading
         includes improved and ex-  and world-class in-flight    leges are extended to     light, a cocktail table,
         panded selection of food and   experience,” adds Teik   Premium Economy Class     and stowage space for
         beverage options, as well as                            customers.                personal items like a
         a new amenity kit. These are   Of the many features of-                           water bottle and mobile
         available on flights from 31   fered to passenger, follow-  In-flight Comfort     device.
         March 2024.               ing are a few –             •     The Premium        Ó    A universal AC outlet
          Speaking on the latest   Ó   Premium Economy Class   Economy Class seats are     and two USB charging
         upgrade, Yeoh Phee Teik,      customers enjoy priority   meticulously designed for   ports are available on all
         senior vice president, SIA    check-in at dedicated   customer comfort, striking a   seats.
         says: “Since its introduction   counters. They may also   balance between space and   All-in-all careful thought
         in 2015, Premium Economy      check in online or via ki-  comfort. These ergonomi-  has been given to every
         Class has become popular      osks at selected airports.  cally-designed seats offer a   aspect of the Singapore
         with our customers. They ap-  Ó   Customers have a gen-  wide seat pitch of 38 inches,   Airlines (SIA) Premium Econ-
         preciate the added amenities,   erous checked baggage   with widths ranging from   omy Class experience.

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