Page 22 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 22


         Qantas chooses                                                                 IFE solution also sup-

         Panasonic’s Astrova                                                            ports airline sustainability
                                                                                        efforts by reducing the
                                                                                        need to recycle materials
                                                                                        and by maximizing system
         for project Sunshine                                                           lifespan. Additionally, the
                                                                                        significantly lighter weight
                                                                                        of Astrova compared to
                                                                                        previous IFE systems helps
                  antas has chosen   immediately understood   multi-channel spatial audio   airlines reduce fuel con-
                  Astrova, Pana-   that these ultra-long-haul   technology and full cabin   sumption.
                  sonic Avionics’   routes would bring with   Bluetooth enables pas-     Excited to offer Astrova
         Qnew IFE solution         them a new set of pas-    sengers to connect to the   to Qantas Masson added:
         for its latest ultra-long direct   senger needs and expecta-  system using their personal   “Astrova is an innovative and
         flight, codenamed project   tions.”                 headphones. Another key    compelling solution, which
         Sunshine.  The flight will   Working closely with Qan-  feature is up to 100 W of   supports long-haul and
         take-off from east coast of   tas, Panasonic’s joint mission   mobile device and laptop   ultra-long-haul flights.”
         Australia to Europe and New   was to design a system that   fast-charging via USB-C,   Further Masson goes
         York and completely revolu-  delivered all the creature   which is available through all   on to describe company’s
         tionise Australian air travel   comforts of home — every-  phases of flight.   mission – To deliver the
         experience.               thing from cinema grade     Astrova is also designed to   right airline product and
          Qantas has chosen A350-  picture quality to high fidel-  evolve over time to help pro-  passenger experience that
         1000 as the aircraft of choice   ity audio, and enough power   tect an airline’s investment.   includes those memorable
         for this flight and ordered 12   to fast-charge all passenger   Airlines can continuously up-  moments that help drive
         aircraft in May 2022.     devices.                  grade their Astrova systems   net promoter score and
          According to Andy Mas-    Panasonic claims that with   as new technology versions   brand loyalty.
         son, Vice President of    Astrova, passengers can   become available, ensuring   All-in-all, according to
         Product Management at     enjoy the industry’s only   their passengers can always   Panasonic, Astrova is a solu-
         Panasonic Avionics: “For   OLED 4K screen that is HDR   enjoy the latest consumer   tion that is designed to be
         decades, Qantas and Pana-  10+, has an infinite contrast   technology and experience   lightweight to reduce fuel
         sonic Avionics have joined   ratio, and perfect blacks   they are accustomed to on   burn, and yet still evolve and
         forces to launch game-    for an unmatched viewing   the ground.               keep pace with technology
         changing IFE solutions. We   experience. High fidelity   Panasonic Avionics’ new   on the ground

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