Page 20 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 20


         to refurbish before enter-  40 Business Class seats, and   refreshed cabins.   row, Sydney, Auckland,
         ing service. Plans include   260 Economy Class seats.   Once the last aircraft rolls   Christchurch, Melbourne,
         the refurbishment of the   To make room for the new   out of the retrofit pro-  Singapore, Mumbai, Banga-
         First-Class cabin, all new   Premium Economy cabin,   gramme and the project is   lore, Sao Paulo and Dubai.
         Business Class seats making   50 Economy seats will be   fully complete, the airline   The airline will be boosting
         a debut on the aircraft in   removed.               will have installed 8,104   services with the new cabin
         an updated 1-2-1 seating   Refurbishment work for   next-generation Premium    to Osaka in early June.
         configuration, in addition   the Emirates fleet is com-  Economy seats, 1,894   The airline will be serv-
         to 24 of the latest Pre-  pletely being managed and   refreshed First-Class suites,   ing 42 cities with Premium
         mium Economy seats, giving   executed in-house at the   11,182 upgraded Business   Economy by February 2025
         customers more premium    airline’s Engineering Cen-  Class seats and 21,814   with the A350 entering its
         options to choose from.   tre, with over 250 project   Economy Class seats.    fleet in September of this
          Along with the addition of   personnel currently working   Emirates currently oper-  year, in addition to the newly
         the Premium Economy cabin,   round the clock, supported   ates its refurbished A380   refurbished Boeing 777s
         the Emirates Boeing 777   by 31 major partners and   aircraft fitted with Premium   also slated to begin serving
         will be configured with 332   suppliers who have set up   Economy to New York JFK,   more cities with the highly
         seats in four classes, featur-  workshops both in the facil-  Los Angeles, San Francisco,   sought after cabin later this
         ing eight First Class suites,   ity and offsite to deliver the   Houston, London Heath-  summer.

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