Page 21 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 21


                                                                                        ence was named ‘Cabin Con-
                                                                                        cept of the Year’ winner by
                                                                                        Onboard Hospitality, ‘Best
                                                                                        Cabin Innovation’ winner by
                                                                                        APEX, and ‘Best Cabin (First
                                                                                        & Business Class)’ at the
                                                                                        Yacht and Aviation Awards.
                                                                                        Finnair’s product was also
                                                                                        praised by judges at the
                                                                                        Crystal Cabin Awards and
                                                                                        Skytrax, the global bench-
                                                                                        mark of airline excellence.
                                                                                         Finnair was the launch
                                                                                        customer for the brand-new
                                                                                        concept in Business Class
                                                                                        seats, developed in close
                                                                                        collaboration with Collins
          Finnair completes                                                             space, the unique fixed shell
                                                                                         Designed to maximise

                                                                                        lounge seat enables a wide
          rollout of €200 million                                                       variety of sitting and sleep-
                                                                                        ing positions, allowing cus-
                                                                                        tomers to make the space
          long-haul cabin                                                               their own during a relaxing
                                                                                        long-haul flight.
                                                                                         The cabin has been
                                                                                        inspired by Finnair’s Nor-
          renewal                                                                       dic design language and
                                                                                        warm, dark, comforting
                                                                                        colour scheme - following
                                                                                        the palette and design of
                innair has success-  onboard experience.       Ole Orvér, chief commercial   the airline’s non-Schengen
                fully completed the   The state-of-the-art cabin   officer of Finnair said: “After   lounges, unveiled at Helsinki
                rollout of its new   was first launched in 2022,   just two years, it is fantastic   Airport pre-pandemic.
          F200-million-euro         and within the space of two   to have completed the roll-  In the coming months,
          long-haul cabin renewal,   years, has been rolled out to   out of our new award-win-  Finnair will continue to
          with all long-haul aircraft   the airline’s entire long-haul   ning long-haul cabin. Since   invest in its customer ex-
          now refurbished. The project   fleet of A350s and A330s.   its launch in 2022, customer   perience and fleet, having
          included the launch of an   Customers can now enjoy a   feedback on our revolution-  announced the upcoming
          entirely new Business Class   consistent Finnair experience   ary Business Class seat and   renewal of the cabins of its
          seat, a brand-new Premium   on all of Finnair’s long-haul   brand-new Premium Econo-  regional E190 aircraft. These
          Economy cabin, and a re-  routes between Finnair’s   my cabin has been excellent,   short-haul jets, operating
          freshed Economy Class, giv-  home hub Helsinki, and the   so we are proud to be able   flights to a range of Finnair’s
          ing customers the ultimate   US, Middle East, and Asia.    to offer the renewed cabin   popular Nordic destinations,
                                                              on flights to all our long-  will receive a brand-new
                                                              haul destinations. We also   cabin, inspired by the co-
                                                              know our customers value   lours and design now seen
                                                              consistency and reliability,   across Finnair’s long-haul
                                                              so to offer a uniform cabin   fleet. Finnair will also soon
                                                              concept across our whole   open a new larger lounge
                                                              fleet is a huge step on our   at the Schengen area of its
                                                              customer experience jour-  home hub Helsinki Airport
                                                              ney. Customer satisfaction   for its Business Class cus-
                                                              with our long-haul cabins   tomers and Finnair Plus tier
                                                              has increased significantly   members. The lounge access
                                                              with the cabin renewal.”   is available for all Finnair
                                                               The new long-haul experi-  customers as a travel extra.

                                                        June / July 2024  21
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