Page 17 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 17


                     AGEAN to invest in four

                   A321neos with upgraded

                    cabin version for non-EU


                              EGEAN is planning a special pur-  be served with a special, extended range, ver-
                              pose sub fleet of four A321neo   sion of the A321neo given our location in the
                              with extended range and upgraded   southeast edge of Europe. “We are making a
                     Acabin quality version to cater to       significant investment in the extended range
                     non-EU markets like South and South-East   and a totally new level of comfort for an initial
                     Greece. The cabin configuration of these four   four aircraft sub-fleet to give our crews the
                     A321neos will be entirely different with a   right tool to best represent AEGEAN values
                     higher level of comfort for both Economy and   for these longer flight markets,” Gerogiannis
                     Business Class passengers. AGEAN plans to   adds.
                     achieve this by reducing the seat count from   AGEAN indents to fly these aircraft to des-
                     220 seats in typical AGEAN’s A321neo ver-  tinations in the Gulf, such as currently served
                     sion to less than 180 seats.             (Riyadh, Jeddah, Dubai) or potential new (e.g.,
                      Additional features will include satellite con-  Bahrein, Doha, Oman), but also in Central
                     nectivity, in-flight entertainment (IFE screens)   Africa (e.g., Lagos, Addis Ababa, Nairobi)
                     in every seat and most importantly a premium   and in Asia with the potential to serve routes
                     lie-flat seat Business Class product.    such as Delhi or Mumbai in India or Almati
                      These new upgraded “special purpose”    in Kazakhstan. These non-EU destinations
                     aircraft will be delivered to AEGEAN in 2026   due to the longer flight duration and market
                     and 2027.                                characteristics are typically served to/from
                      Stressing the need of higher comfort and   European capitals by carriers using aircraft
                     extensive features for passengers Dimitris   invariably with higher comfort and lower seat
                     Gerogiannis, chief executive, AGEAN believes   density than the typical intra-European cabin
                     that this is a great opportunity for AEGEAN   configuration
                     and for our country that lies in developing   Through this investment and the quality of
                     markets beyond the EU, either in the Gulf   its crews AGEAN aims to serve and develop
                     area, Africa or in regions of Asia which could   such markets.

                                                        June / July 2024  17
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