Page 14 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 14

HIGHLIGHTS                                                                AIX HAMBURG 2024

                       Qatar Airways to offer

          complimentary Starlink Wi-Fi


                  atar Airways is      high-speed Wi-Fi of   speed Wi-Fi connectivity of   experience to unprecedent-
                  all set to become    up to 500 Megabit per   up to 500 megabit per second   ed heights, as we continue
                  the first airline in   second per plane    per plane, Qatar Airways’   furthering our innovative of-
         Qthe MENA region          Ó    Passengers can access a   passengers can use the high-  ferings to meet and exceed
         to introduce complimentary    variety of internet-based   speed and low-latency net-  passengers’ expectations
         Starlink Wi-Fi onboard as     services such as stream-  work with a simple ‘one-click-  throughout their journey
         part of the initial phase of its   ing of their favourite en-  access’ to enjoy a variety of   with Qatar Airways.”
         rollout strategy. Three B777-  tertainment and sports   internet-based services such   Starlink Engineering Vice
         300 Qantas aircraft will first   videos, online gaming,   as video streaming of their   President at SpaceX, Mike
         receive Starlink’s game-      enriched web-browsing   favourite entertainment and   Nicolls, said: “High-speed,
         changing Wi-Fi connectivity   and much more         sports videos, online gaming,   low-latency internet is the
         by the fourth quarter of this   Qatar claims that this stra-  enriched web-browsing and   future of aviation connectiv-
         year. As per Qantas very   tegic move will solidify their   much more.         ity, and we’re excited to work
         soon the entire modern fleet   commitment to elevating   Qatar Airways Group Chief   with Qatar Airways to start
         will be upgraded with this   the passenger experience   Executive Officer, Engr. Badr   flying Starlink on their fleet
         cutting-edge technology in a   onboard, with plans to pro-  Mohammed Al-Meer, said:   by the end of this year. Soon,
         span of just two years.   gressively extend SpaceX-  “This exciting collaboration   all Qatar Airways passengers
          Some of the salient fea-  powered technology across   with Starlink is a testa-  will be able to enjoy all the
         tures of Starlink are     its entire modern fleet within   ment to our customer-first   benefits of the world’s best
         Ó   Passengers can enjoy   the next two years       mindset and commitment     in-flight connectivity from
            complimentary ultra-    By offering an ultra-high-  to elevating our passengers’   the comfort of their seats.”

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