Page 9 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 9

AIX HAMBURG 2024                                                                      SPOTLIGHT

          ATR unveils new

          luxury shuttle

          configuration for

          business jets

                  TR recently       ous width of 21.6 inches.   Hrnkova, vice president   (STC).
                  unveiled an ad-   Each seat has a personal   marketing, ATR           “This new luxury shuttle
                  vanced design for   side console that serves   The All-Business Class of-  configuration will redefine
          Aits new All-Busi-        both as a table and stowage   fers several options, such as   corporate and semi-private
          ness Class configuration,   compartment – amenities   an executive ceiling through   travels with an elevated
          just a year after announcing   made possible by the ATR’s   the removal of overhead   guest experience without
          its new collection of high-  wider cross-section, provid-  bins, USB A+C charging   compromising on sustain-
          end cabin configurations –   ing a level of comfort and   ports, in-flight entertain-  ability. The ATR HighLine
          ATR HighLine.             convenience not available in   ment, high-speed internet   cabin collection is designed
          With a unique 1-1 layout,   narrower regional jets cur-  access and high-quality   to offer unparalleled com-
          the All-Business Class    rently in service.        material finishes.        fort, luxury and convenience
          interior features spacious   “The ETEREA business seat   Launch customer and Malay-  whilst benefitting from the
          individual business seats   has been designed spe-  sia-based airline Berjaya Air   remarkable fuel efficiency of
          with direct window view   cifically for ATR by Geven. It   will deploy its two custom-  the turboprop technology”
          and aisle access, offering ex-  will fit ATR’s standard seat   ised ATR 72-600 HighLine   adds Zuzana Hrnkova.
          ceptional personal space and   rails for simplified aircraft   All-Business Class from   ATR Highline-equipped
          privacy. Named ‘ETEREA’,   customisation and retrofit.   2025 to serve the group’s   aircraft are set to disrupt the
          these new tailor-made     Passengers will experience   numerous luxury hotels and   regional travel industry by
          seats have been designed   a truly elevated journey   resorts. The modification on   emitting 45% less CO2 than
          and crafted by Geven and   from takeoff to touchdown,   Berjaya Air’s aircraft will be   similar-sized jets and accel-
          provide ample legroom and   bringing regional aviation to   executed through a Supple-  erate the decarbonisation of
          recline, along with a gener-  new heights,” says Zuzana   mental Type Certificate   regional air mobility.

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