Page 4 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 4


         JetBlue unveils

         its Blueprint

         to personalise                                                        etBlue has introduced a Blueprint to

                                                                               provide more options for passengers
         passenger                                                       JAs a part of this Blueprint, the airline
                                                                               seeking a customized travel journey.
                                                                         plans to add a hue of features like new Inflight
                                                                         Entertainment functions, tailored touch-points
         experience in                                                   and much more. According to JetBlue some of
                                                                         these features have never before been imple-
                                                                         mented on a US airline before.
         the sky                                                         At-Home Entertainment in the Sky

                                                                          As JetBlue continues to innovate industry-
                                                                         leading onboard technology, Blueprint by

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