Page 5 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 5


                                                                                           drink (21+) when flying
                                                                                           on their birthday.
                                                                                        Ó    Flight connect: Custom-
                                                                                           ers can access informa-
                                                                                           tion regarding their Jet-
                                                                                           Blue connecting flights
                                                                                           and gates right at their
                                                                                        Ó    Seatback ordering: Jet-
                                                                                           Blue’s seatback ordering
                                                                                           feature that lets custom-
                                                                                           ers make meal selections
                                                                                           directly from the seat-
                                                                                           back screen now extends
                                                                                           to its A321neo with Mint
                                       up to five other custom-  ships such as JetBlue’s   aircraft, further elevating
                                       ers on the flight. JetBlue   exclusive streaming    dining on all transatlantic
                                       is the first airline to allow   partner, Peacock, provide   flights.
                                       up to six customers to    customers with access to   Ó    Loyalty made easy:
                                       watch entertainment       exclusive entertainment   Customers can enjoy
                                       content at the same       and offers.               easy one-click sign-up
                                       time to enjoy family-   These new personaliza-      to JetBlue’s TrueBlue
                                       style viewing. Play and   tion features on JetBlue’s   loyalty program through
                                       pause can be controlled   award-winning inflight en-  a QR pop-up on seatback
                                       on all linked screens,   tertainment system will give   touchscreens that auto-
                                       regardless of where each   customers a bespoke inflight   matically populates first
                                       viewer is seated.      experience, not only through-  and last name directly on
                                    Ó    Content recommenda-  out their current journey, but   a personal device.
                                       tions: Receive personal   extending into subsequent   The new personaliza-
                                       recommendations for    flights when customers opt-  tion functions have begun
                                       inflight entertainment   in to securely authenticate   rolling out on JetBlue’s
                                       based on previous view-  their profiles   on AVANT   AVANT touchscreen aircraft
                                       ing history.           seatback touchscreens.    powered by Thales and are
                                    Ó    Pick up where you left                         expected to be completed
                                       off: Whether connecting   Tailored Touchpoints for   next month.
                                       with a layover or fly-  Seamless Connection       “JetBlue has always been
                                       ing next month, never   Beyond inflight entertain-  an innovator as the first to
                                       miss the end of a film or   ment options, Blueprint ex-  have seatback screens and
                                       television show—auto-  pands on JetBlue’s existing   fast, free and unlimited Wi-
                                       matically pick up where   products that give custom-  Fi on every aircraft,” says
                                       you left off from flight to   ers a more personalized   Jayne O’Brien, head of mar-
                                       flight.                experience and brings their   keting and customer sup-
                                    Ó    Saved favorites: Save   entire travel journey to their   port, JetBlue. “By launching
                                       film and TV show selec-  fingertips:             Blueprint by JetBlue, we are
                                       tions to watch on future   Ó    Personal greetings: Cus-  doubling down on our com-
          JetBlue brings new seat-     flights so you can spend   tomers can now change   mitment to help customers
          back touchscreen features    less time searching and   their preferred name   create an inflight experience
          that mimic what customers    more time watching.       on their JetBlue travel   tailored to their needs and
          are used to experiencing   Ó    Saved settings: Ac-    profile to be displayed   preferences, making their
          with their favorite streaming   cessibility and system   in a personal welcome   flight as comfortable as their
          platforms at home. Some      settings, such as volume,   message on seatback   own living rooms.”
          of the new functions that    language, parental con-   screens, whether or not   JetBlue claims that this is
          customers can look forward   trols and close captions   they identify with their   just the beginning for the
          to seeing on their seatback   preferences can now be   legal name.            airline’s inflight personaliza-
          screens include:             saved and carried over   Ó    JetBlue is the only airline   tion capabilities, which will
          Ó   Watch party: Watch the   from flight to flight.    that greets customers   continue to roll out under
            same film or TV show at   Ó    Content partnerships:   with confetti graphics   the Blueprint by JetBlue
            the exact same time with   First-of-its-kind partner-  and a complimentary   platform in the future.

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