Page 7 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 7


         Collins and Panasonic

         unveil ‘MAYA’


                             vision for

           next-Gen B-class

                  ollins Aerospace   and reduces peak vibration   cabin experience in ways
                  and Panasonic     disturbances during flight,   individual solutions are un-
                  Avionics have     thereby improving periods of   able to accomplish on their
          Cjointly unveiled         rest and passenger wellbe-  own,” said Ed Dryden, presi-
          MAYA, a transformative vi-  ing.                    dent of Interiors at Collins
          sion for a next-generation   An Astrova Curve 45-inch   Aerospace. “Unprecedented
          business-class suite at the   ultra-wide, ultra-high-defi-  customisation and user
          2024 Aircraft Interiors Expo   nition OLED display with a   control provide uniquely
          in Hamburg, Germany.      headphone-less audio sys-  personal in-flight experienc-
           MAYA combines the re-    tem serves as the cinematic   es – bridging historical gaps
          spective expertise of Collins   centrepiece of the suite, of-  in accessibility, enabling
          Aerospace and Panasonic   fering users unprecedented   multi-dimensional comfort,
          Avionics in design, technolo-  immersion, customisation,   and facilitating immersive
          gy development and integra-  and a feature-rich person-  in-flight entertainment.”
          tion into a single, cohesive   alised viewing experience.  Built for luxury yet rooted
          solution. This suite provides   Packed with technology,   in a sustainable framework,
          a clear differentiator for the   the suite seamlessly syncs   the MAYA suite utilises
          business class cabin by re-  with passenger electronic   recycled, reusable, and
          defining comfort, passenger   devices through the ADAPT   plant-based materials along
          immersion, accessibility, and   controller, providing familiar,   with STARLight composite
          sustainability for future air   curated control of the seating   structures to reduce pro-
          travel experiences.       environment. It also supports   duction waste and improve
           The suite offers exceptional   advanced mobility, sensory,   product circularity.
          ergonomics with advanced   cognitive, and language   The industrial design
          seating architecture and   accommodations for passen-  of the suite emphasises
          integrated ARISE™ comfort   gers of varying abilities.  modularity, supporting mid-
          technology. This technol-  “MAYA is the fusion of   life upgrades, simplifying
          ogy automatically optimises   enhanced physical, digital,   disassembly processes, and
          cushion pressure, regulates   and smart technologies that   improving traceability within
          environmental temperature,   exponentially enhance the   recycling streams.

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