Page 13 - Aircraft Interiors Today - June - July 2024 Issue
P. 13

AIX HAMBURG 2024                                                                    HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                        approximately 5,200 arm-
                                                                                        rests for various airlines,
                                                                                        utilising around 2,000
                                                                                        square feet of polyethyl-
                                                                                        ene foam, which resulted
                                                                                        in nearly 2,600 kg of CO2
                                                                                        emissions annually. By
                                                                                        transitioning to a biodegrad-
                                                                                        able material derived from
                                                                                        corn waste, an eco-friendly,
                                                                                        non-food resource, Soisa
                                                                                        will significantly reduce its
                                                                                        carbon footprint.
                                                                                         The corn-based material
                                                                                        may also offer significant
                                                                                        potential cost benefits, en-
                                                                                        abling Soisa to produce spe-
                                                                                        cialised moulds for each part
                                                                                        number and thermoform
                                                                                        the corn, streamlining their
                                                                                        manufacturing processes.
                                                                                        This advancement promises
                                                                                        further cost savings and
                                                                                        efficiency improvements,
                                                                                        benefiting both customers
                                                                                        and the environment.
                                                                                         Jacobo Mesta, Sales and
                                                                                        Growth Strategy at Soisa,
                                                                                        says: “As the aerospace
                                                                                        industry intensifies its focus
                                                                                        on sustainability practices,
                                                                                        airlines worldwide are
                                                                                        increasingly striving to
                                                                                        minimise their environmen-
                                                                                        tal footprint. Soisa is at the
                                                                                        forefront of this movement,
                                                                                        pioneering engineering in
          Soisa Aircraft                                                                side the box and exploring
                                                                                        aerospace by thinking out-
                                                                                        alternatives which promote a
                                                                                        sustainable future.
          Interiors launches                                                            only highlights our commit-
                                                                                         “This innovative design not
                                                                                        ment to environmental re-
          organic armrest                                                               sponsibility but also ensures
                                                                                        that our products retain their
                                                                                        aesthetic appeal, comfort,
                                                                                        and high quality.”
                                                                                         The organic armrest, soon
                                                                                        to undergo testing and
                 oisa Aircraft      represents a significant mile-  gramme, which creatively   certification, marks SOISA’s
                 Interiors recently   stone in Soisa’s dedication   repurposed materials that   initial venture into exploring
                 launched its revolu-  to sustainability and innova-  were otherwise destined for   biodegradable materials,
         Stionary new organic       tion within the aerospace   the landfill into functional   poised to integrate sustain-
         armrest keeping sustainabil-  industry.              items like wallets, bags and   ability across their entire
         ity at the focus of its opera-  This initiative builds on the   pouches for the local com-  product line and align with
         tions. The armrest is made of   success of Soisa’s “From   munity.             the global Net Zero 2050
         a base of corn particles and   Waste to Wonder” pro-  In 2023, Soisa produced   initiative.

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