Page 2 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
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                                                                               04    COVER STORY

                                                                               ‘India’ – One of the largest
                                                                               upcoming markets for aircraft
                                                                               IndiGo’s recent order for 30
                                                                               A350 widebody aircraft has
                                                                               opened up a huge door of
                                                                               opportunities for aircraft interior
                                                                               companies to look into the
                                                                               retrofit and cabin modifications
                                                                               of the new fleet.

                                            16    AIRCRAFT SEATS

                                            In an aircraft, we spend over 90%
                                            of our time on our seats. The
                                            make, the quality, the comfort
                                            factor, the cushioning effect,
                                            leg-room and so much more goes
                                            into making of a perfect aircraft
                                            seat. This section will throw light
                                            on how operators are revamping
                                            their aircraft seating arrangement
                                            with newer and more advanced
         20    Q & A WITH                                                       27    INFLIGHT MENUS

               SAFRAN SEATS                                                           AND PERKS

         What are the latest trends in                                          The section on Inflight Menus
         Aircraft Interiors Market? How                                         and Perks is filled with mouth-
         is the market shaping up post-                                         watering delicacies from
         pandemic. How far will airlines                                        Lufthansa and Cathay as Cathay
         go in making passenger travel                                          unveils its new Dining experience.
         more luxurious and convenient? Is                                      This spring be ready to be Wowed
         it cost-effect and sustainable for                                     by JetBlue’s amenity kits. Find
         operators? This and many more                                          out what’s in store for you as you
         questions answered by Arthur                                           board your next flight!
         Glain, Advanced Concept Manager
         at Safran Seats, in an exclusive
         Q&A with Aircraft Interiors Today.                                     31    INFLIGHT
                                                                                      ENTERTAINMENT &

         22    CABINS AND GALLEYS                                                     TECHNOLOGY

         The section on Cabins and Galleys will give a complete overview on
         the galley and cabin, with special story on how GAL Aerospace has      34    SUSTAINABILITY
         come up with an interesting solution aimed at boosting the overhead
         cabin capacity for Embraer E1 aircraft with United Airlines becoming
         the first airline to introduce these new cabins on its Skywest-operated
         Embraer E175 fleet.

      2   April / May 2024                                               
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