Page 6 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
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                                                             mestically and internation-  for passengers during long
                                                             ally, to cater to the travel   flights. The seat features
                                                             demand, the comfortable    a high backrest, which
                                                             seats will be key to upgrad-  provides ample support for
                                                             ing the customer experience   the neck and head, as well
                                                             on board IndiGo.”          as a wider seat cushion,
                                                               Dr. Mark Hiller, chief   which allows passengers to
                                                             executive at Recaro Aircraft   sit comfortably for extended
                                                             Seating said, “Our new     periods.
                                                             partnership with IndiGo     In addition to its ergo-
                                                             demonstrates our commit-   nomic design, the RECARO
                                                             ment to not only building   BL3710 also incorporates
                                                             a distinct product with a   several innovative features
                                                             sustainable lifecycle, but   that make it a standout
                                                             also our comprehensive ap-  choice for airlines. The seat’s
                                                             proach to customer service.   lightweight construction
                                                             The BL3710 is an excellent   helps reduce fuel consump-
                                                             product that will serve both   tion and CO2 emissions,
                                                             IndiGo and its passengers   making it a more environ-
                                                             for many years.”           mentally friendly option.

         The airline then replaced   this deal, IndiGo became
         these seats with Dragonfly   the first airline in the Indian
         in 2014. Zodiac Seats US, a   sub-continent to feature the
         subsidiary of Zodiac Aero-  BL3710 seat of RECARO for
         space, France later acquired   their Airbus A320neo and
         Weber. Going ahead, Zodiac   A321neo aircraft.
         Aerospace was acquired by   The combination of the
         Safran and the Dragonfly   ergonomic design and
         seats selected by IndiGo in   weight of less than 10 kg
         2017 are now re-branded as   per passenger has made
         Safran Z85.               the BL3710 economy class
          Weber was acquired by    seat a bestseller since it first
         Zodiac Seats U.S. LLC, which   entered the market in 2019,   The RECARO BL3710 is   The seat also has a modular
         was a subsidiary of Zodiac   RECARO claims.         designed to provide maxi-  design, which makes it easy
         Aerospace of France. Zodiac   Speaking on this deal,   mum comfort and support   to install and maintain, and
         Aerospace was acquired by   Sanjay Kumar,                                      allows for quick and efficient
         Safran. The Dragonfly seat   chief strategy                                    replacements if necessary.
         which the airline selected in   and revenue                                    The new seats are set to en-
         2017 is now rebranded as   officer, IndiGo,                                    hance the travel experience
         Safran Z85. The Z85 is Saf-  said, “As we                                      for passengers, and we can
         ran’s best-seller in economy   expand our                                      expect other airlines in the
         class for short to medium   net-                                               region to follow suit in the
         haul flights for high density   work,                                          coming months and years.
         cabins making them an ideal   do-                                               Now, the new widebody
         fit for IndiGo.                                                                fleet of 30 A350s will
          Safran Seats and IndiGo                                                       require exquisite finish with
         enjoyed a long-term mar-                                                       three or maybe four class
         riage up until recently when                                                   configurations depending
         IndiGo decided to switch                                                       on the airline’ demands and
         to RECARO BL 3710 seats                                                        digitisation and innovation
         for its 75 A320neos thus                                                       at its best for an enhanced
         marking its third change of                                                    customer experience. The
         seats since inception. With                                                    question is who will retro-

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