Page 10 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
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         constellations, via a choice   staggered (parallel to the   efficiency: Typical   required, GAINs are usu-
         of network providers. By     aisle).                   economy class in A350s     ally unchanged during a
         contrast, previous connectiv-  •  Premium Economy      is the standard nine-      cabin retrofit.
         ity offers were only provided   Class gaining popular-  abreast with an efficient   •  Passenger comfort
         as part of a bundle with IFE   ity: Airlines are choosing   pitch between 31 and 32   features: Optional pas-
         and the BFE hardware, thus   to retrofit premium econ-  inches and seat width     senger comfort features,
         any change of the service    omy (PYC) where it was    of 18 inches. Airbus has   such as light-restrictive
         provider would require a     not originally selected in   also developed a more   curtain headers, electri-
         change of the hardware.      line-fit. In the A350, PYC   optimal 10-abreast      cally dimmable windows
                                      is typically accommo-     configuration for the      etc. are available for the
         Examples of typical A350     dated in an eight-abreast   latest versions of the   A350 and would typically
         & Widebody airliner          layout, with a pitch of   A350 being delivered       be considered. A350
         cabin retrofit trends        around 38 inches (versus   which feature a slightly   Customers can also up-
          From the operator perspec-  nine-abreast and 31–32-   wider wall-to-wall cross   grade their customisable
         tive, some general trends    inch pitch for regular    section.                   ‘mood’ lighting scenarios
         and OEM cabin-related        Economy class).        •  Lavatory trim & finish     for passengers and/or
         offerings for large airliner   With lower ticket prices   refresh is a ‘quick-win’   to convey new branding
         cabin upgrades are observed   compared with Business   for maximising pas-        etc., easily via software
         across the industry. Some   Class, PYC also reduces the   senger perception, and   updates.
         examples are summarised   associated CO² emissions     thus airlines typically   •  The latest In-Flight En-
         below:                    per passenger per square     include it during their    tertainment & Connec-
         •  Business Class de-     metre – which are approxi-   cabin upgrades. On the     tivity (IFEC) technolo-
            mand for more privacy   mately half of those in Busi-  A350 an option exists   gies: The IFEC landscape
            features: A current trend   ness Class.             to introduce a more        and supply chain is
            is the installation of Busi-  A PYC cabin upgrade was   floor-space efficient lava-  constantly evolving and
            ness Class seats or ‘mini-  recently performed by Air-  tory which Airbus calls   airlines strive to offer the
            suites’ with sliding doors.   bus for ITA Airways, to har-  “Smart Lav”. Its smaller   latest IFEC technology
            The A350 can offer     monise the cabin experience   footprint brings tangible   convenience for their
            these with four-abreast   of the customer’s in-service   layout benefits such as a   passengers.
            direct-aisle access, with   A350s with that of its new   seat-count increase.
            arrangement in either   A330neos.                •  Galley inserts (GAINs):   Migrating from 2D design
            herringbone, (angled   •  Economy Class – in-       Apart from cleaning and   processes to 3D Digital
            relative to the aisle) or   creasing floor space    ‘wear & tear’ repairs as   Mockup (DMU)

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