Page 11 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 11


           Another important phase is                                                   modifications which had
          the Digital Mock-Up (DMU)                                                     been implemented by a third
          for the entire structure, in-                                                 party using their own Sup-
          cluding the cabin. The DMU                                                    plemental Type Certificate
          describes the entire aircraft                                                 (STC), and moreover, these
          design in 3D throughout its                                                   mods were not incorpo-
          lifecycle, including for design                                               rated into Airbus’ own DMU
          upgrades and modifications.                                                   for that aircraft. Therefore,
          It shows the airlines their                                                   before Airbus could upgrade
          proposed new cabin layout                                                     the affected zone, a prereq-
          looks in 3D, allows the                                                       uisite is that it would first
          engineers to explore within                                                   need to be brought back to
          the structures, below the   The A350 has evolved    seat cabling routings and   the original configuration –
          floor or in the ceiling crown   over the years in successive   sidewalls etc. are physically   ie. ‘As delivered’ by Airbus.
          area so they can define best   production batches, Airbus   different for both the old and   For this reason, when
          routing for pipes or cables   calls them as ‘Steps’. These   new A350s.       an airline comes to Airbus
          to avoid clashing with sur-  include enhancements to the   The general term govern-  enquiring about a potential
          rounding structures.      cabin, avionics, aerodynam-  ing which modifications are   upgrade, often the first thing
           For the subsequent Service   ics, the airframe structure,   needed as a prerequisite   they are asked is whether
          Bulletin (SB) the 3D output   weight savings, and so on.   is called ‘mod-stacking’.   they have applied any STCs
          from the DMU is converted   Now if an airline buys A350   Overall, as more and more   by third-parties on their air-
          into 2D for design certifi-  at Step-7, the aircraft might   upgrade ‘mods’ are certified,   craft. This is because Airbus
          cation and for the MRO to   feature a slightly longer and   they are re-enriched back   cannot certify nor provide
          plan the embodiment and   wider cabin, as well im-  into the DMU for subsequent   support for somebody else’s
          produce the job cards.    proved aircraft performance   A350 production standards.   STC to perform a mod on top
           DMU also helps to manage   thanks to a new aerodynam-  They are also added to the   of it. Nevertheless, Airbus
          the updating of the aircraft’s   ics package and also weight   ‘ready-made’ bank of design   is ready to support if the
          technical documentation in   savings to the fuselage and   solutions to be available as   customer has a qualified ‘de-
          the digital domain includ-  wings.                  required for future upgrades   sign-organisation-approval’
          ing all the manuals like the   This operator might have   of in-service aircraft.  (DOA), by sharing its techni-
          structural repair manual   older A350s in its fleet and                       cal data and IP on a case-by-
          (SRM), aircraft maintenance   may want to harmonise   Third-party STC modifi-  case basis – which would be
          manual (AMM), illustrated   the cabins across its entire   cation impact in OEM Up-  a chargeable service.
          parts catalogue (IPC), etc.  A350 fleet. In this case, it   grade Service Bulletins
                                    is not the case of simple   Additional complications    Lead-time consider-
          The evolution of A230     copy-paste of same seats   can arise if the aircraft on   ations
          designs and mod-stack-    and monuments as the cabin   which the new mod is to be   One of the most important
          ing’ implications         floor, seat tracks, seat-to-  applied contains any prior   parts of cabin retrofit is lead-

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