Page 7 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
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          fit IndiGo’s new widebody   Airport, the chief execu-
          fleet? Will the airline opt for   tive of Air India, Campbell
          RECARO, their latest part-  Wilson commented, “As a
          ners for narrowbody seats,   symbol of the new age of
          Safran Seats, their long-term   flying, the A350 promises a
          partners or Collins Aero-  world-class, long-haul travel
          space that bagged a contract   experience on our non-stop
          from Air India for retrofitting   routes, providing an unparal-
          its latest A350-900 fleet?   lelled level of comfort. Its ex-
          According to sources, IndiGo   cellent flight economics and
          is still in talks to finalise an   stateof-the-art technology
          interior deal with various in-  underscore our dedication
          dustry partners and its only   to commercially successful
          a matter of time before the   operations and to achieving
          airline declares who will be   our sustainability goals.”
          retrofitting its new cabins.   Air India’s A350-900
           While we saw the features   boasts 316 seats across a
          of Safran Seats and RECARO   three-class cabin: 28 busi-
          BL3710 seats, lets have a   ness class suites in a 1-2-1
          look at what Collins Aero-  configuration, each offering
          space has done for Air India’s   direct aisle access, sliding
          widebody A350-900 fleet.   privacy doors, full-flat beds
                                    and a personal wardrobe
          Air India, A350 and Col-  and stowage space, plus 24   Panasonic eX3 hardware,   sentials, accessories, and
          lins Aerospace            premium economy seats in   all equipped with a library   a keepsake. Loungewear
           Just recently Air India   a 2-4-2 configuration with   with 2,200 hours of content,   brand TUMI has partnered
          revealed the first images   extra legroom and mul-  of which half are movies,   with Air India for its lounge-
          of its interiors, showcas-  tiple other differentiating   including what Air India has   wear slippers. Not only that,
          ing all the different cabins.   features, and 264 seats ar-  dubbed the largest library of   the first-class and business
          Just as India’s as well as Air   ranged in a 3-4-3 layout.   Indian content of any airline.    class passengers will get to
          India’s first widebody aircraft   Air India has also present-  This new IFE platform will   experience memory foam
          touched base at Delhi’s   ed a new Inflight Entertain-  be available on long-haul   layered mattress toppers
          Indira Gandhi International   ment (IFE) offering based on   flights from the second   and bed premium wool-
                                                              half of 2024. In addition to   blended blankets among
                                                              the new A350s that will be   other things.
                                                              arriving from Toulouse, it    The new seats are set to
                                                              will also be progressively   enhance passenger comfort
                                                              fitted into Air India’s legacy   and support, making long
                                                              long-haul fleet, as the airline   flights more enjoyable for all.
                                                              moves forward with its $400   The installation of the new
                                                              million retrofit program.   seats is also a reflection
                                                               The entire existing fleet   of India’s domestic airlines
                                                              will have chinaware with   evolving efforts to upgrade
                                                              silver mandala decal for   its fleet with the latest tech-
                                                              business class and all the   nology and amenities. The
                                                              first-class cabins will have   airlines are investing heavily
                                                              golden mandala decal. The   in upgrading its aircraft, with
                                                              airline’ Maharaja will contin-  a focus on enhancing the
                                                              ue adorn the first and busi-  in-flight experience for pas-
                                                              ness class chinaware along   sengers.
                                                              with a India-inspired, tiffin   All-in-all as the airline
                                                              box-shaped, salt-pepper   industry continues to grow,
                                                              cruet set in gold finish.   we can expect to see more
                                                               Along with this, Air India   innovative seating options
                                                              has also elevated its first-  and amenities making air
                                                              class amenities kit which will   travel more luxurious, com-
                                                              include Ferragamo-designed   fortable and convenient than
                                                              kits including skincare es-  ever before

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