Page 3 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 3


                                                        ircraft cabin, one of the first tangible features
                                                        of an airline that has a direct connection with
                                                        the passenger. As soon as a passenger steps
                                                        inside an aircraft, the first noticeable aspect
                                             Ais the cabin interior, the hue and colors, the
                                             mood-lighting…then slowly as the passenger makes his
                                             way towards his seat, the next feature that is in direct
                                             contact with the passenger is the seat cushion/cover, the
                                             Wi-Fi connectivity, In-Flight entertainment, the headphones
                                             and goodies (if any) that are placed in the seat pocket. If
                                             the passenger is pleased with all of the above, he will rank
                                             the airline as number 1 on his priority list the next time he
                                             travels and also spread a word-of-mouth publicity about
                                             the airline and the comforts it provides.

                                             A cabin creates the image of an airline. It’s a struggle for
                                             every Airline to offer a cozy feel to the passengers in every
                                             class and enhance their flying experience.  Hence aircraft
                                             interiors play a vital role in creating an overall perception in
                                             the minds of a passenger about the airline as a whole.
                                             Really, it’s the little things that makes all the difference
                                             when it comes to customer loyalty and satisfaction as
                                             aircraft interiors is almost always on the radar or anything
                                             out of place resulting in passenger discomfort or fury.
                                             We at Aircraft Interiors Today are proud to bring forward
                                             our inaugural issue focusing on industry trends in Aircraft
                                             Interiors, the inflight transformation underway with most
                                             operators across the globe, which current players are
                                             making their mark in the aircraft interior business and much
                                             more. Sit back, relax and enjoy reading our content which
                                             will take you to the luxury hot-spots of an aircraft, taste
                                             their latest delicacies and enjoy the perks and amenities
                                             that the operators have in-store for you! After all, it’s all
                                             about ‘YOU’


                                             The Editorial Team
                                             Aircraft Interiors Today

                                                        April / May 2024  3
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