Page 9 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 9


                                                     The A350

                                                     cabin retrofits –

                                                     An Airbus


                                                             s the mighty wide-   cabin products for customers,
                                                             body Airbus A350s    customised as per their particu-
                                                             are geared for a cabin   lar A350 production standard
                                                    Aretrofit post complet-       and configuration. Now airlines
                                                    ing almost a decade in service,   can consider a wide range of
                                                    Airbus is ramping its capacity   additions to the Supplier-Fur-
                                                    and protocols to aid airlines in   nished-Equipment (SFE) cabin
                                                    cabin retrofit procedures. The   equipment catalogue items
                                                    cover story of the inaugural   that typically include new types
                                                    issue of Aircraft Interiors today   of lavatories, galleys, ovens,
                                                    is selected eyeing the current   fridges, chillers, beverage mak-
                                                    needs of number airlines across   ers, trash compactors, electro-
                                                    the globe who will opt for cabin   dimmable windows etc.
                                                    retrofits on their nine-year old   There were not originally avail-
                                                    A350s in months to come.      able at the time of the A350’s
                                                     Interestingly as the aircraft   cabin definition freeze in the
                                                    completes eight years in service,   early 2010s
                                                    it is expected to under cabin   There are also new types of
                                                    retrofit, since theA350s have   buyer-furnished equipment
                                                    crossed the threshold mark,   (BFE) to consider including
                                                    Airbus is all geared up for the   business and economy class
                                                    first wave of cabin retrofits to hit   seats and new types of in-flight
                                                    them any time soon.           entertainment (IFE). For ex-
                                                     Since 2014, almost 600 A350s   ample, from 2020 Airbus offered
                                                    have been delivered and by    4K IFE versus the existing 1080p
                                                    2028, about 390 A350s will be   screen definition.
                                                    reaching the threshold age of
                                                    cabin retrofit program. Typical   New built-in SFE satellite
                                                    upgrade drivers for airlines will   connectivity solution
                                                    include:                       Airbus is offering as SFE (both
                                                      Ó   interior rebranding;    in retrofit and linefit) its built-in
                                                      Ó   class segmentation;     high-bandwidth connectivity
                                                      Ó   seat-count optimisation;  platform, known as HBCplus.
                                                    and harmonising their in-service   With this flexible satcom solu-
                                                    products to match those of the   tion, the antenna and modem
                                                    new aircraft joining their respec-  hardware are fully integrated as
                                                    tive fleets                   an SFE product. This approach
                                                     Airbus has developed its cata-  enables in-flight connectivity
                                                    logue of retrofit BFE and SFE   directly from multiple satellite

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