Page 13 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 13


                                                                                        MRO to firm-up slots and
                                                                                        work scope. For example, it
                                                                                        enables them to understand
                                                                                        when the first head-of-ver-
                                                                                        sion will start the working
                                                                                        party, the frequency and the
                                                                                        cadence – eg one per month,
                                                                                        or two per month etc.
                                                                                         Customer’s offer accep-
                                                                                        tance and project kick-off
                                                                                         Once the resulting final
                                                                                        Technical & Commercial offer
                                                                                        has been accepted by the
                                                                                        airline, the official project
                                                                                        kick-off meeting is convened
                                                                                        during which Airbus as-
                                                                                        signs a dedicated Upgrade
                                                                                        Programme Manager (UPM).
                                                                                        The UPM will be there with
                                                                                        the customer – from guid-
                                                                                        ance with LOPA finalisation,
                                                                                        providing access to Airbus’
                                                                                        expertise and resources in
                                                                                        Cabin Engineering and DMU,
                                                                                        taking them through the
                                                                                        complete cabin certification
                                                                                        process using the original
                                                                                        Type Certificate (TC), updat-
                                                                                        ing the customer aircraft’s
                                                                                        technical documentation,
                                                                                        and even up until the last
                                                                                        delivery of the kits and SBs
          ment post-mod and LOPA                                                        to the customer, and as well
          while some are open to                                                        the last working party.
          Airbus suggestions.                                                            Airbus Customer Services
           The preliminary phase                                                        has set up a dedicated proj-
          helps to ensure that the RFP                                                  ect with a team of experts
          already takes into account                                                    ready to provide airlines with
          the feedback from potential                                                   more details as they plan to
          providers, and will not there-                                                upgrade their A350 fleets
          fore require further re-draft-                                                and thereby enhance their
          ing, thus paving the way for                                                  assets’ operational value and
          a smoother tender response                                                    passenger appeal.
          phase from the prospective                                                     Airbus is also increasing
          providers and final down-  it provides the ‘Commercial   touched and what should be   its internal capacities within
          selection. Once all the items   Offer’ to the customer. This   untouched, and which new   retrofit Engineering and
          have been approved by     offer will confirm all the   items will be BFE versus   Programmes management.
          internal management, the   details such as firm pricing,   SFE etc. It will also highlight   Suppliers have already been
          operator will issue its formal   escalation rules, milestones   which ATA Chapter exper-  informed and Airbus is re-
          RFP to the prospective ex-  planning etc along with the   tise and competences will be   viewing the industrial capac-
          ternal providers.         deliverables which usually   required during the upgrade   ity and competitiveness of
                                    include the SBs, kits, and   – eg. Air Conditioning; Elec-  the supply chain. In addition,
          Upgrade providers’        when requested.           trical Power; Equipment &   Airbus is studying potential
          response: Commercial &     The Technical Offer, which   Furnishings; Water & Waste,   partnerships with third-
          Technical Offer           is a prerequisite for the   and so on.              party aftermarket providers
           From Airbus’ perspective,   Commercial Offer, advises   The Commercial Offer is   to develop complementary
          once it receives and subse-  on which items will be re-  also needed by the customer   offerings to meet customer
          quently analyses that RFP,   moved or installed, what is   to engage with its chosen   expectations

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