Page 18 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 18



         enhances its

         new Airbus

         fleet with

         Recaro seats

                  ondor has      and onboard experience.
                  selected Recaro   The BL3710 seat comes
                  Aircraft Seating   equipped with several
         Cfor the Econ-          comfort amenities, such
         omy Class cabins of its   as individual USB power,
         new Airbus fleet with the   an enhanced ergonomic
         BL3710 and lightweight   seat bottom, an adapt-
         SL3710 seats. Condor    able tray table, elon-
         says the intension behind   gated armrests, and a
         choosing these seats is   bring-your-own-device
         to maximise the comfort   (BYOD) holder to tailor the
         of guests on short and   entertainment experience
         medium-haul flights.    in the cabin.
          Condor is expected to   The lightweight SL3710
         take delivery of 28 A321   model offers advanced
         and 13 A320s in the four   ergonomics suitable for
         years span ranging from   all body types, along with
         2024 to 2028. The total   the convenience of USB
         seat order on the new   power access at each
         aircraft is approximately   seat, and an integrated
         9000 seats. The seats will   cup holder.
         be installed in a hybrid   “This collaboration with
         layout and feature distinc-  Condor underscores our
         tive Condor branding    commitment to providing
         elements.               passengers with comfort
          Commenting on this     and functionality, and
         long-haul partnership   also reaffirms our role in
         with Recaro, Christian   pushing the boundaries of
         Schmitt, chief operations   sustainable design,” adds
         officer and accountable   Dr Mark Hiller, chief ex-
         manager, Condor says    ecutive, RECARO Aircraft
         that he trusts Recoro with   Seating and RECARO
         its many years of experi-  Holding. “As Condor
         ence backing them, the   expands their Airbus
         latest innovations and a   fleet, we look forward
         great service to strength-  to enhancing the inflight
         en the Condor product   experience.”

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