Page 21 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 21

Q & A

                                    of the cabin, has become a   vancements in both technol-  entertainment, and aesthet-
                                    crucial element in the design   ogy and aesthetics. Pas-  ics to enhance the passenger
                                    of new cabin layouts.     senger-centric technologies   experience.
                                    Sustainability Focus: As   now play a decisive role in
                                    passengers in certain re-  seat selection, evolving from   Q - Going ahead, what are
                                    gions are getting more and   simple pneumatic cush-  your predictions for the
                                    more climate-conscious,   ions with limited massage   aircraft interiors market?
                                    sustainability has become a   functions a decade ago to   A - All current indicators
                                    paramount concern for many   a diverse range of features   suggest a sustained growth
                                    airlines, particularly in Eu-  such as heating, cooling, and   in commercial aviation
                                    rope and Japan. Airlines are   perceived noise reduction.   volumes and investments in
                                    placing significant emphasis   Innovations like Euphony, al-  the short and medium term.
                                    on reducing weight, sourc-  lowing passengers to enjoy   The market is expected to
                                    ing bio-material and increas-  in-flight entertainment with-  further diversify across nu-
                                    ing recyclability, with Safran   out headphones, represent   merous relatively small mar-
                                    Seats taking a leading role in   game-changing additions.   kets. Notably, the landscape
                                    these efforts.            Simultaneously, the latest   is witnessing a dichotomy,
                                                              generation In-Flight Enter-  with basic economy evolving
                                    Q - Airlines’ willingness to   tainment (IFE) systems boast   towards a more minimalistic
                                    invest in aircraft interiors   high-definition, larger, and   approach, while first class
                                    post-COVID, your com-     more responsive touch-    experiences are becoming
                                    ments.                    screens, offering direct con-  increasingly opulent.
                                    A- Airlines are acutely aware   nectivity to seats or personal   The trends highlighted
                                    that their onboard products   devices for an enriched   earlier, particularly the em-
                                    constitute a crucial aspect   entertainment experience.  phasis on sustainability, are
                                    of their brand identity. The   In terms of aesthetics, cabin   anticipated to persist and
                                    realization that investing in   interiors have shifted away   even intensify. Sustainability
                                    their brand translates into   from the neutral esthetics   is emerging as an urgent
                                    a tangible return on invest-  dominated by airframers,   priority, and Safran is poised
                                    ment is driving a significant   featuring light grey window   to lead the industry in navi-
                                    commitment to enhancing   panels and ceilings. The   gating this transformative
                                    aircraft interiors. Notably,   introduction of high shells   shift. The commitment to
                                    impressive retrofit programs   and suite doors has empow-  maintaining a forefront posi-
          Growth in Leisure Business   undertaken by airlines like   ered designers, providing   tion aligns with the broader
          Travel: The post-COVID    Air India and Emirates serve   greater creative freedom and   trajectory of the aviation
          traffic surge has been fueled   as compelling evidence that   enabling the development   industry, as it continues to
          by an increase in leisure   carriers are steadfast in their   of bolder cabins that convey   evolve to meet the changing
          business travelers who are   determination to uphold and   distinct brand identities.   demands of passengers and
          willing to pay extra for a   elevate the quality of their   Lighting has emerged as   the imperative of environ-
          more comfortable travel   interior offerings. This proac-  a key element in crafting     mental respon-
          experience.               tive approach underscores   stunning cabin interiors,              sibility
          Cabin Sub-segmentation:   the industry’s recognition   with modern aircraft like the
          As airlines booking systems   that a superior in-flight ex-  A350 and B787 offering
          evolve, complex cabins    perience contributes not only   opportunities for innova-
          appear more evidently as   to passenger satisfaction but   tive lighting solutions.
          opportunities for ancillary   also to the overall perception   This not only enhances
          revenues. We are seeing   of the airline’s brand, thereby   the overall ambiance but
          more and more airlines    solidifying their commitment   also provides airlines with
          willing to create sub-seg-  to sustained investment in   unique branding possi-
          mentations within a given,   aircraft interiors.    bilities widely embraced
          creating distinct passenger                         across the industry.
          experiences, catering to spe-  Q - How has the technol-  Together, these evolutions
          cific passenger needs and   ogy/styles in aircraft interi-  underscore a commitment
          boosting ancillary revenues.   ors evolved over the years?   to redefining air travel
          The incorporation of “Elite”   A - The landscape of aircraft   standards by
          front row monuments offer-  interiors has undergone a   seamlessly
          ing a first-class experience   notable transformation in   blending
          to passenger at front-end   recent years, marked by ad-  comfort,

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