Page 22 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 22


         Air France to give

         a makeover to its

         E190 cabins with

         Expliseat’s Tiseat

                  ir France is plan-  lored to airline’s needs and   launched for Air France in   The refurbishment of the
                  ning to renew its   manufactured and assem-  the new Angers factory from   Embraer 190s will start after
                  cabins of all its   bled in Angers, France.   Fall 2024, Expliseat aims to   summer at the HOP! main-
         AEmbraer E190s             With the new TiSeat, Expli-  combine continuous innova-  tenance site in Clermont-
         operated by HOP! along    seat is building on its unique   tion with passenger comfort.  Ferrand. The first of these
         with its range of product   advanced technology to    Marking this moment as   revamped aircraft will take
         and services on its short and   push the aesthetic and func-  one of the most pivotal for   to the skies in autumn 2024.
         medium-haul network.      tional boundaries of innova-  Expliseat, Amaury Barberot,   These new-generation
          To design the aircraft’s   tion in aircraft interiors.  chief executive, Expliseat   seats will be consistent
         future seats, Air France has   Leveraging its patented   says that together with Air   with the high standards of
         teamed up with Expliseat,   titanium and composite fiber   France we are setting new   comfort offered on board
         the French manufacturer of   frame and its collaboration   standards in cabin design.   the Airbus A220. They will
         an innovative carbon fiber   with Air France, this latest   “This collaboration underlines   be unveiled exclusively from
         and titanium seat combining   evolution of the TiSeat com-  Air France confidence in our   May 28 to May 30, 2024 at
         a lightweight and sustain-  bines unparalleled reduction   technology and the commit-  the Aircraft Interiors Expo in
         able design with enhanced   in seat weight, significant   ment to delivering exception-  Hamburg, Germany. While
         comfort, durability and   improvement in seat robust-  al experiences for all passen-  details of the new TiSeat re-
         functionality. The aircraft will   ness and sustainability with   gers,” Barberot adds.   main confidential until its of-
         be fitted with a new model   advanced comfort and design   The entire cabin decor will   ficial unveiling in May 2024,
         of the TiSeat, making Air   features, setting a new stan-  be also given a makeover in   they can look forward to an
         France the launch customer   dard for economic efficiency,   the Air France colours, from   enhanced travel experience
         of the new product        elegance and functionality.  the walls of the aircraft to   thanks to a new human-cen-
          The new seats will be tai-  With this new production,   the carpet on the floor.  tric design philosophy

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