Page 25 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 25


          Cathay Pacific sets new                                                       experience with new cabin
                                                                                        products, creating memo-
          benchmark for luxury                                                          rable wining and dining
                                                                                        experiences, enhancing our
                                                                                        award-winning inflight en-
          and space with Premium                                                        tertainment experience, and
                                                                                        much more, our investments
          Economy cabins                                                                in augmenting the customer
                                                                                        experience are all part of our
                                                                                        continuous efforts towards
                                                                                        our goal,” affirms Lo.

                                                                                        Savour an elevated Premi-
                                                                                        um Economy experience
                                                                                         A detailed look at Ca-
                                                                                        thay’s brand-new Premium
                                                                                        Economy is an eye-opener
                                                                                        right from generous seats to
                                                                                        the intelligent lighting de-
                                                                                        sign and modern fixtures. All
                                                                                        the features are meticulously
                                                                                        crafted with the customer
                                                                                        in mind. Cathay has taken
                                                                                        care of minute details like
                                                                                        thoughtful touches add to
                                                                                        comfort and enjoyment,
                                                                                        including a leather head-
                                                                                        rest and customised seat
                                                                                        cushions, privacy wings
                                                                                        with a reading light next to
                                                                                        the headrest, a 15.6-inch 4K
                                                                                        ultra-high-definition screen
                                                                                        with 4K on demand and
                                                                                        Bluetooth audio streaming,
                                                                                        as well as clever storage so-
                                                                                        lutions for personal devices.
                  rand-new Pre-     sets a new standard for   of everything we do. We    New, exclusive Premium
                  mium Economy      comfort and privacy, the   listen to our customers, and   Economy lavatories on each
                  cabin, exclusive   airline claims.          ensure that we understand   side of the cabin offer touch-
          Bselection of Chi-         Cathay Pacific also show-  what is important to them.   free features to ensure mini-
          nese wines and collabora-  cased a new, exclusive   “These valuable insights   mal contact. Mood lighting is
          tions with acclaimed dining   selection of fine Chinese   continuously motivate us   also extended to all cabins,
          establishments, Cathay    wines, which are currently   to go above and beyond to   including Premium Economy,
          Pacific continues to raise   being served to customers   elevate our customers’ jour-  transporting customers to a
          the bar for customers. Go-  in First and Business class   neys and ensure that their   relaxing environment during
          ing ahead, Cathay Pacific is   for a limited time only, as   experience with Cathay is   their flight.
          bringing customers more of   well as highlights from its   truly unforgettable when-
          what they love with con-  recent dining collaborations   ever they fly, shop, spend or   Explore a new world of
          tinuous enhancements that   with renowned Hong Kong   dine with us,” Lo adds.  wine
          ensure their every journey is   restaurants, and features of   Cathay Pacific strives to   Cathay Pacific’s award-win-
          one to remember.          its award-winning inflight   carve a niche for itself in   ning wine cellar provides cus-
           The airline unveiled for the   entertainment experience.  becoming the world’s great-  tomers with a wide range of
          very first time its all-new   Keeping customers at   est service brands and best   stunning vintages and cuvées
          Premium Economy cabin     the focal point, Vivian Lo,   premium airlines and all the   from esteemed winemakers
          experience.               general manager, customer   efforts are currently con-  around the world. The airline’s
           Cathay Pacific premium   experience, Cathay Pacific   centrated towards realis-  ever-expanding selection of
          economy cabin with its new   says that we always put   ing these goals. “Whether   wines are sourced from prime
          retrofitted B777-300ERs   our customers at the centre   it’s refreshing the inflight   viticultural regions around the

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