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                  Cathay unveils new

                                 Cathay Dining brand

            n an attempt to reinforce   19 million meals     Cathay Dining’s journey and   commitment to delivering
            its vision to become one of   Introducing the new brand,   reaffirms its dedication to   unparalleled service to its
            the world’s greatest ser-  Cathay Chief Operations and   curating exceptional experi-  valued customers.
         Ivice brands, Cathay Pacific   Service Delivery Officer, and   ences through high-quality   Cathay Dining Chief Execu-
         has rebranded its catering   Cathay Dining Chair, Alex   catering solutions for Cathay   tive Officer Agatha Lee said:
         business as Cathay Dining.   McGowan said: “We have   Pacific and other esteemed   “At Cathay Dining, we are
          Cathay Dining has two key   invested heavily over the   airlines. Additionally, it rein-  committed to quality food
         lines of business, provid-  years to transform Cathay   forces Cathay’s commitment   and solutions. From our
         ing inflight dining solutions   Dining into a world-class   to forging thoughtful dining   inflight cuisine to bespoke
         to Cathay Pacific and other   provider of dining solutions   partnerships and offering   catering services, we take
         major airlines flying to and   and experiences. The new   expert restaurant recom-  great care and pride in
         from Hong Kong, as well as   brand reflects this and un-  mendations to its esteemed   designing carefully crafted
         providing catering ser-   derlines the important role   Cathay members.        dining experiences that are
         vices to businesses outside   that dining plays in helping   Also, the change aligns   enjoyed by customers travel-
         of the aviation industry.   Cathay achieve its vision of   with Cathay’s overarch-  ling around the globe.”
         Cathay Dining operates the   becoming one of the world’s   ing premium travel lifestyle   The Cathay Dining brand
         principal aviation catering   greatest service brands.”  proposition as a group. It ex-  will begin to roll out across
         business in Hong Kong, last   This rebranding marks   emplifies Cathay’s relentless   customer-facing channels
         year producing more than   a significant milestone in   pursuit of excellence and its   starting this month

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