Page 34 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 34


             KLM’s sustainable

                     AI solution to

                 reduce onboard

                    food wastage

                LM has deployed    KLM, Marjan Rintel, chief   Depending on the class, be-  continues until 20 minutes
                artificial intelligence   executive, KLM says that the   tween 3 and 5% of booked   before the flight departs.
                technique to reduce   application of artificial intel-  passengers do not show up   This means the most ac-
         Kfood wastage on          ligence contributes enor-  (on time) for the flight.  curate possible number of
         the flights. The AI program   mously to improving KLM’s   The latest AI model   passengers is predicted for
         enables KLM to predict how   flight operations and making   (TRAYS) is the first model   the entire catering process
         many passengers who have   them more sustainable.   specifically developed for   from purchasing to loading,
         booked will actually board a   “Combatting food waste is a   KLM’s catering activities.   thus preventing a surplus of
         flight. This allows the exact   good example of this, result-  The AI model predicts the   meals.
         number of required meals   ing in tens of thousands   number of passengers on   The AI model TRAYS was
         to be calculated and KLM   fewer meals being wasted   board based on historical   launched at the end of last
         achieves up to 63% less   on our flights each year,” she   data. The Meals On Board   year by Kickstart AI. The ini-
         food waste based on the   adds.                     System (MOBS) receives the   tiative assembled talent from
         expected number of passen-  KLM is working on using   expected passenger num-  leading companies, including
         gers per flight. On an annual   artificial intelligence to de-  bers per flight with separate   KLM, bol, Ahold Delhaize,
         basis, this amounts to a sav-  termine the number of meals   forecasts for Business, Pre-  NS and ING, to work on the
         ing of more than 100,000 kg   on board to help combat   mium Comfort and Economy   development of this model.
         of meals.                 food waste. Not all bookings   classes. The prediction   Plaeased to have made
          Calling the investment in   made result in a passenger   using the AI model starts 17   valuable contribution to the
         technology a priority for   on board a KLM aircraft.   days before departure and   project Sander Stomph chief

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