Page 33 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 33

he advancement in technol-  experience and sets new standards
                                                 ogy and artificial intelligence   in the aviation industry. The one-of-
                                                 (AI) in today’s world have   a-kind cabin crew is also poised to
                                          Tleft little to anyone’s imagi-  create benchmarks for personalised
                                          nation.  Holographic images, live   and functional service interactions in
                                          robots manning airline booths and   air travel.
                                          passenger counters will be very soon   Calling Sama 2.0 as a monumental
                                          a part of our reality.           point in spearheading the successful
                                           Going a step ahead, Qatar Air-  synergy between technology and hu-
                                          ways recently revealed its second-  man connection, Babar Rahman, vice
                                          generation virtual cabin crew, Sama   president marketing, Qatar Airways
                                          2.0, powered by innovative conver-  says, it represents our relentless
                                          sational AI at the ITB Berlin 2024   pursuit of innovation, and embodies
                                          trade show and became the world’s   Qatar Airways’ values of exceptional
                                          first airline to develop the Artificial   service and hospitality. “This is not
                                          Intelligence powered digital human   only for Qatar Airways, but also for
                                          cabin crew to assist its passengers in   the industry at large,” adds Rahman.
                                          designing curated travel experiences.   Qatar Airways affirms its commit-
                                           Sama, meaning ‘sky’ in Arabic   ment to leading and collaborating
                                          enabled by industry-leading conver-  with innovation experts to create
                                          sational AI, the robot will continue   pioneering products and services for
                                          to learn and develop over time to   its customers.
                                          improve responses through passen-  Sama a testament to the end-
                                          ger interactions.                less possibilities of AI, capable of
                                           Currently Sama 2.0 answers ques-  delivering personalised and engag-
                                          tions in real time such as Qatar   ing interactions that mirror human
                                          Airways FAQs, destinations, support   conversation as per Danny Tomsett,
                                          tips and more, and will be accessible   chief executive, UneeQ. “Sama
                                          through QVerse, Qatar Airways’ im-  embodies UneeQ’s commitment to
                                          mersive digital platform, as well as   blending technology with empa-
                                          through the Qatar Airways app.   thy and personalisation, providing
                                           Sama is developed by Qatar Air-  an innovative solution that aligns
                                          ways in partnership with UneeQ,   with Qatar Airways’ reputation for
                                          harnessing UneeQ’s innovative    world-class service,” concludes
                                          platform to enhance the digital travel   Tomsett

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