Page 31 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 31


                                                                                        with future goal to test the
                                                                                        system in day-to-day life
                                                                                        and further improve and
                                                                                        personalise travel experience
                                                                                        through feedbacl and usage
                                                                                        behaviour. “The insights we
                                                                                        gather during the test phase
                                                                                        will make an important
                                                                                        contribution to the further
                                                                                        development of the inflight
                                                                                        entertainment experience
                                                                                        for the entire Lufthansa
                                                                                        Group,” explains Maximilian
                                                                                        Meintgens, Director Prod-
                                                                                        uct & Marketing at Discover

                                                                                        Some of the salient fea-
                                                                                        tures of AERENA are –
          AERQ’s AERENA inseat                                                          Ó   AERENA’s agility allows
                                                                                           rapid update of all con-
                                                                                           tent AVoD (Audio/Video
          system to take Discover                                                       Ó    airlines can customise its
                                                                                           on Demand)

                                                                                           digital onboard product
                      Airlines’ passenger                                                  rapidly, allowing it to be
                                                                                           truly distinguished from
                                                                                           its competitors
           experience to next level                                                     Ó    By smart data capturing,
                                                                                           analytics, and matching,
                                                                                           airlines can learn about
                                                                                           the passengers’ enter-
                  iscover Airlines   personalised offers and   inseat system.              tainment demands and
                  has installed the   information digitally. This in-  Calling the partnership   address them specifi-
                  fully-fledged     cludes access to the onboard   with Discover Airlines an   cally.
          DAERENA Inseat            catering menu along with   important milestone, Arnd   Xavier Lagardère, VP
          System by AERQ in one of   variety of applications like   Kikker, co-managing director   Innovation for Lufthansa
          its A320 aircraft. Discover   booking tours etc enabling   at AERQ says as AERENA   Group and Managing Direc-
          Airlines, a part of Lufthansa   the passengers to make   takes off we are excited to   tor of the Lufthansa Innova-
          Group has signed a partner-  even more effective use of   experience what our plat-  tion Hub, highlights the
          ship deal with AERQ.      their travel time.        form has to offer the airline   significance of this innova-
           The A320, with tailsign   With an inseat system on   and passengers.         tive collaboration: “Accel-
          D-AIUQ will serve medium-  a narrow-body aircraft for   “Agility and speed in con-  erating innovation enables
          haul flights starting with the   medium-haul flights, various   tent updates, customisation   us to continuously improve
          airline’s 2024 summer-time   use cases will be tested to   of the onboard product for   our customer experience,
          schedule from March 29,   fully realise the potential of   a personalised passenger   and this collaborative effort
          2024.                     AERENA. The software in-  encounter and opportunities   is a great example of that.
           AERQ’s open IT platform   spires interaction through a   for new ancillary revenues   We are excited and proud
          AERENA is supported by    PED (Personal Electronic De-  through gaming or destina-  to see our investments in
          cloud-based infrastructure   vice) friendly environment.   tion content are the advan-  cutting edge inflight enter-
          and boosts digital cabin   The seat-centric inseat   tages that will be derived   tainment, together with our
          innovations throughout the   system lifts the passenger   from the implementation of   partners AERQ and Dis-
          travel journey and facilitates   experience to the next level.   AERENA”, explaines Son Yob   cover Airlines, installed in
          greater passenger engage-  AERQ has acquired an     (Louis) Pak, Co-Managing   our first aircraft.”
          ment onboard the aircraft,   EASA (European Union   Director at AERQ.          The project is supported
          claims AERQ.  With AER-   Aviation Safety Agency) STC   Discovery Airlines is the   by the Lufthansa Group In-
          ENA onboard, passengers   (Supplemental Type Certifi-  first airline to trial this spe-  novation Runway, the Group
          are expected to benefit from   cate) approval for AERENA   cial entertainment system   innovation ecosystem

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