Page 26 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 26


                                                             and an all-new selection of   wide selection of thoughtful-
                                                             “Hong Kong Flavours” de-   ly curated entertainment for
                                                             veloped in collaboration with   customers offering the best
                                                             Cantonese fine-dining insti-  of Disney+, Max, Paramount
                                                             tution Duddell’s. Meanwhile,   and more.
                                                             guests at the airline’s The   On the technology front,
                                                             Pier, First lounge at Hong   Cathay Pacific has 4K ultra-
                                                             Kong International Airport   high-definition screens, a 4K
                                                             can delight in specially craft-  video-on-demand experi-
                                                             ed tasting menus developed   ence as well as Bluetooth
                                                             together with Rosewood     audio streaming in every
                                                             Hong Kong’s much fêted     cabin onboard the airline’s
                                                             dining establishments.     state-of-the-art Airbus
                                                               All of these menus have   A321neo and retrofitted
                                                             been carefully curated to   777-300ER aircraft. An all-
                                                             provide customers with a   new, intuitive graphical user
                                                             taste of Hong Kong’s vibrant   interface (GUI) onboard the
         world, including France, Italy,   mitment to offering cus-  and diverse culinary scene   airline’s A350s and being
         Austria, South Africa, Aus-  tomers memorable dining   throughout their journey.  progressively introduced to
         tralia, the United States, New   experiences, Cathay Pacific                   other aircraft types presents
         Zealand, and now also China.  collaborates with acclaimed   Thoughtfully curated and   a proactive, dynamic and
          Partnering with a number   local restaurants and brands   award-winning inflight   personalised management
         of China’s leading winemak-  who share its dedication to   entertainment       platform for a meaning-
         ers, Cathay Pacific brings   providing the finest quality   Cathay Pacific’s unparal-  ful, connected, end–to-end
         customers an exclusive se-  food and drink with a high   leled inflight entertainment   inflight experience
         lection of the finest Chinese   attention to detail.  experience featurs the larg-  In short, the Premium
         wines to explore.          Customers can delight in   est inflight movie and TV   Economy is crafted for the
                                   a bespoke menu of reimag-  library in Asia-Pacific, with   passenger to settle into
         Embark on an immersive    ined French classics from   seatback entertainment on   the private comfort with a
         culinary journey          JIA Group’s Michelin-starred   every aircraft, in every seat.   greater sense of personal
          Delivering on its com-   French restaurant Louise,   Cathay Pacific provides a   space and seclusion

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