Page 23 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 23


                         Large spacious overhead

                         bins on United’s Skywest

                                 operated E175 fleet

                   ne of the major   allow the airline an extra   customer officer, Uniter   efficiency, further solidifying
                   pain-points of air   space to carry 29 carry-on   Airlines affirms that cus-  its position as a leader in the
                   travel is cramped   bags on the regional jets,   tomer sentiment for the new   aviation industry.
         Ospace in over-            representing an 80 % in-  overhead bins and signature   Additionally, each E175
         head cabins, much to the   crease in space.          interiors has been positive.   fitted with the new bins will
         ire of the passengers who   Initially the airline has   “By helping to eliminate the   feature braille and tactile plac-
         shift and shuffle the over-  planned to installed the new   need to gate check bags,   ards to enhance accessibility,
         head bags to make room     large bins on its 50 aircraft   we are seeing an increase in   aligning with United’s broader
         for their luggage. Realis-  E175 fleet with 76-seat con-  gate and boarding satisfac-  initiative announced in 2023.
         ing this United Airlines has   figuration towards the end of   tion,” Jojo adds.   So far, the airline has al-
         decided to nip the problem   2024. Going ahead, the airline   The airline claims that this   ready equipped 200 main-
         in the bud and become the   has planned to expand the   is one of the latest ways to   line aircraft with bins large
         first airline to introduce new,   overhead bins facility to over   create an industry leading   enough to accommodate
         large overhead bins on its   150 aircraft by 2026. United   experience for United Airlines   every passenger’s carry-on
         Skywest-operated Embraer   Airlines boasts that this facil-  customers, both domestic as   bag. The airline is currently
         E175 fleet.                ity shows its commitment   well as international.   in the process of retrofitting
           This move will eliminate   to enhancing the passenger   By introducing larger over-  its domestic narrowbody
         the need for one million   experience and improving   head bins on its Embraer   fleet.
         annual passengers to gate-  operational efficiency.  E175 fleet, United Airlines   SkyWest is world’s largest
         check bags on over 150,000   Stressing customers needs   aims to elevate the passen-  E175 operator with over
         E175 flights, as per airlines’   and United Airlines’ aim to   ger experience, reduce the   700 daily departures to 140
         estimate.  These new extra   improve passenger con-  need for gate-checked bags,   destinations and counting as
         large overhead bins will   venience, Linda Jojo, chief   and enhance operational   United Express

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