Page 20 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 20

Q & A

                                                                    What are the latest trends in Aircraft
                                                                    Interiors Market? How is the market
          ‘Operators are                                            shaping up post-pandemic. How far
                                                                    will airlines go in making passenger
                                                                    travel more luxurious and convenient?
         determined to                                              Is it cost-effect and sustainable for

                                                                    operators? This and many more ques-
               to uphold and                                        tions answered by Arthur Glain, Ad-
                                                                    vanced Concept Manager at Safran

               elevate quality                                      Seats, in an exclusive Q&A with Air-
                                                                    craft Interiors Today.

         of their interior                                           Q - What are the current/latest trends in the
                                                                     Aircraft Interiors market according to you?
                                                                     A - Post-pandemic, several noteworthy trends
         offerings’                                                  have shaped the Aircraft Interiors market:
                                                                       Resurgence of First Class: After experiencing a
                                                                     decline over the last decade, the First-Class seg-
                                                                     ment is witnessing a remarkable revival. Key play-
                                                                     ers are enhancing their offerings, and new entrants
                                                                     are entering this market.

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