Page 24 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 24


         GAL                                                 ment to support regional   importance of Ejet series
                                                             aircraft customers, Mohamed
                                                                                        in regional market, Bruno
                                                                                        Morin, President and chief
                                                             Kodematy, vice president,
         Aerospace                                           business development and   operations officer at GAL
                                                                                        anticipates that GAL’s inte-
                                                             sales throws light on the
                                                             versatility of Embraer Ejet
                                                                                        rior product will contribute
         boosts                                              series and GAL’s commit-   to an enhanced customer
                                                                                        experience, cost efficiency,
                                                             ment to improving customer
                                                             experience and reducing
                                                                                        and seamless service
         overhead                                            airline costs.             integration during fleet
                                                               Addressing the challenge
                                                                                         GAL says that this solu-
                                                             of limited overhead bin
                                                                                        tion is a testament to GAL
                                                             space, which can lead to
         cabin capacity                                      delays and inconvenience for   Aerospace’ commitment
                                                                                        to addressing the specific
                                                             passengers, GAL’s plug and
                                                                                        needs of regional carriers
                                                             play replacement eliminates
         for E1 jets                                         the need for gate check    and enhancing the overall
                                                                                        functionality and passenger
                                                                                        experience of the Embraer
                                                               GAL claims that this inno-
                                                             vative solution is in response   E1 series.
                                                             to identified demand from   Interestingly a few days
                  AL Aerospace     a part of its ongoing efforts   regional airlines and leas-  back United Airlines re-
                  has come up with   to enhance the customer   ing companies, including   vealed the retrofit plan of
                  an interesting   experience and prolong    two major North American   50 of its E175s operated by
         Gsolution aimed at        the service life of aircraft   carriers. The new solution is   SkyWest Airlines with larger
         boosting the overhead cabin   equipped with classic inte-  already certified by regula-  over-head bins, and became
         capacity for regional airlines   riors.             tors from Canada and US.   the first airline to offer these
         using Embraer E1 aircraft as   Highlighting the excite-  Expressing confidence in   new bins on the E175

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