Page 29 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 29


                                     For lunch or dinner, cus-  rice and pickled habanada   Brooklyn, Belfast and The
                                    tomers can savor aromatic   peppers and enjoy sides like   Quiet Girl, along with musi-
                                    flavors found in lamb shoul-  shredded beet and carrot   cal titles, such as Once and
                                    der with roasted carrots,   salad with candied sunflow-  Sing Street, and many more.
          Treatment, their best-selling   harissa and citrus bread-  er seeds or a kale, parsley   JetBlue is also released an
          Ultra Gentle Daily Peel   crumbs, or keep indulge in   and quinoa salad with   ‘Awards Season’ collection
          treatments, and the popular   orzo served with roasted   demi-sec tomatoes. For early   of major award-winning and
          Moisture-Lock Lip Balm.   tomatoes, marinated feta   morning flights, customers   nominated films in March
           Further, Mint custom-    and arugula.              can fuel-up before touching   2024. Passengers indulged
          ers will receive Plus Ultra’s   Apart from the above, the   down with dishes like the   in some of the latest award-
          sculpted Moso bamboo      airline has added another   herb and cheese frittata with   winning titles like Barbie and
          toothbrush paired with Plus   menu attraction by in-  kale, potato and rosemary   Oppenheimer, Past Lives,
          Ultra’s Mint gel toothpaste or   troducing ‘DIG’ – A NYC   olive oil or vegan French   The Holdovers.
          mouthwash.                restaurant. DIG brings new   toast with dried cherry jam.  Other exciting ‘Awards Sea-
           Besides the amenity kits,   farm to tray-table dishes to                     son’ titles included, Anatomy
          JetBlue has introduced    JetBlue’s transatlantic Core   JetBlue celebrates Spring   of a Fall, Priscilla, Spider-
          new menu from NYC-based   experience. Customers can   with more to Stream!    Man: Across the Spider-Verse
          restaurant Legacy Records.   sit back, relax and order   JetBlue is celebrated its   and many more.
          The additional menu options   from an elevated selection of   seasonal service to Dublin   Looks like for JetBlue pas-
          include best of seasonal   dishes, right from the com-  with a new category to   sengers there is something
          flours like coconut yogurt   fort of their seatback screen.   seatback screens to fea-  in store for every movie-
          with maple-pecan, ginger   For lunch and dinner flights,   ture the ‘Luck of the Irish’   lover.  The airline is plan-
          granola or a warm rosemary   customers can find a spice-  in March 2024. Passengers   ning more exciting inflight
          honey biscuit by The Hungry   infused choice of marinated   enjoyed a range of popular   entertainment updates in the
          Gnome                     jerk chicken with coconut   movie titles lile       near future

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