Page 28 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 28


         JetBlue’s amenity kits                                                         functional backpack ideal
                                                                                        for use as a travel day pack,
                                                                                        hotel gym bag or beach tote.
                        ‘WoW’s passengers                                               On domestic routes, Mint
                                                                                        customers will discover a
                                                                                        snappable pouch that holds
                                     this spring                                        all travel essentials—and
                                                                                        with four colorways (sage,
                                                                                        clay, sand, gunmetal), cus-
                                                                                        tomers can collect them all
               etBlue, as a part of   with Buzz. The kit contains   sory company that reimag-  to mix and match with their
               its Spring 2024 col-  stylish and reusable foldable   ines bags for modern life,   own style, mood and travel
               lection has intro-  backpack, collectible pouch   mixing high function with   accessories.
         Jduced new amenity        designed by Caraa popular   beautifully fashioned materi-  Mint customers can ex-
         partners, menu changes,   wellness products from    als to create the next-gen   pect an array of skincare
         entertainment options and   brands like Dr. Dennis Gross   luxury bag for the modern   products from Dr. Dennis
         much more.  One of the    and Plus Ultra along with   traveler. On transatlantic   Gross’ ultra-rich Hyaluronic
         major attractions of JetBlue’s   sleep amenities from Tuft &   routes, Mint customers will   Marine collection, includ-
         transatlantic flights starting   Needle.            find their charcoal-colored   ing the Hyaluronic Marine
         from March 13, 2024 is the   Caraa is a New York City-  Caraa sport mesh pouch   Oil-Free Moisture Cushion
         amenity kit in partnership   based sport bag and acces-  unfolds into a mint-colored,   and Hydrate + Smooth Hand

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