Page 35 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 35


                                                                   Muirhead comes

                                                                up with 100% bio-

                                                                  based leather for


                                                                        uirhead is all set   heavily in new technolo-
                                                                        to replace its   gies to develop future-proof
                                                                        existing tanning   tanning systems that deliver
                                                              Mchemistry with           unparalleled consistency and
                                                              compostable technology,   high technical excellence
                                                              taking a step forward in sus-  without relying on chrome
                                                              tainability. In this process,   salts and glutaraldehyde,
                                                              Muirhead, an aviation leather   since last twenty years. Now,
          executive and co-founder,   to a saving of 111,000 kg   supplier will be remov-  finally the wait has paid off.
          Kickstart AI says: “Our   in meals across all KLM   ing fossil fuels, oil-based   Calling this as the begin-
          goal with Kickstart AI is to   flights that are catered   elements, and heavy metals   ning of sustainable efforts,
          accelerate the adoption of   from Schiphol.         from all its operations and   Stephen Hems, Innovation
          AI in the Dutch business   KLM is also working on   products.                 Manager says that Tanning
          community and we look   the application of artificial   Calling the new product   is a crucial part of leather
          forward to working closely   intelligence in other parts   ‘FreeTAN’, Muirhead says   production, whereby raw
          with Dutch companies to   of its business operations.   that this leather will be free   hides are treated in drums
          make this happen.”      For instance, AI is impor-  from heavy metals, chrome,   to transform them into our
           A three-month analysis   tant in making aircraft   and glutaraldehyde. Inter-  high-performance materials.
          shows that 63% less food   maintenance smarter. In   estingly this technology   “These technologies are a
          is wasted compared to   addition, AI programs are   is non-toxic fire-retardant   vital next step in our journey
          catering for every booked   used to simulate predicted   treatment that offers the   to increase the bio-based
          passenger. The largest   bad weather days, making   lowest environmental impact   renewable carbon content
          improvement can be seen   it clear in advance which   aviation leather available   of our leather to 90% and
          on intercontinental KLM   schedule would be best to   today. This not only reduces   above. The leather of the
          flights from Schiphol,   allow flights to continue as   its environmental impact but   future is 100% bio-based,
          where 2.5 fewer meals   much as possible. AI also   also ensures the product   entirely chrome-free, heavy
          (1.3 kg) need to be thrown   helps customers by giving   continues to meet custom-  metal-free, aldehyde-free,
          away per flight. On an   personalised travel tips   ers’ standards            and fully biodegradable,”
          annual basis, this amounts   after booking a flight   Muirhead has invested   Hems adds

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