Page 14 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
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               ufthansa revamps    But what exactly is         New First Class – It comes   fers two separately control-
               luxury travel equa-  Lufthansa Allergris?     with maximum privacy and   lable extra-wide seats that
               tion with ‘Allergis’  With the new tailor-made   superb comfort. As per   can be converted into a spa-
         L Lufthansa Allegris,     product Allergris, Lufthansa   Lufthansa standards, higher   cious single bed or a double
         the new travel experience on   plans to completely revamp   partitions, luxurious materi-  bed along with a large 43-
         long-haul routes, will start   passenger travel experi-  als and generous amounts   inch monitor in 4K quality,
         its scheduled service from   ence, tailored to their specific   of personal space ensure the   with wireless charging and
         May 1, 2024 onboard its   wishes and requirements. For   perfect feel-good atmo-  with the best sound quality
         A350-900 aircraft.        this, Lufthansa has radically   sphere on board. The airline   thanks to wireless noise-
          For the first time, travelers   rethought seats, cabins and   has introduced smart fea-  cancelling headphones
         can now also view a seat   services across all segments-   tures like individually adjust-  In the Business Class Luf-
         map for all Allegris flights   Economy, Premium Economy,   able lighting and the 10-inch   thansa has an added feature
         in the familiar booking   Business Class or First Class.   tablet for controlling seat,   of seven different seats to
         channels with all special   There is something that each   lighting and entertainment   suit passenger needs. Every
         Allegris seats, such as the   class has to offer. Lufthansa’   functions. The new First   seat can be individually
         five options in Business   new suites are designed   Class also offers extra-wide   heated or cooled as desired
         Class. A photo gallery    from scratch and with higher   seat with seat heating and   and provides direct access
         with important additional   partitions and closable doors   cooling function, spacious   to the aisle. Details such as
         information on the vari-  that offer maximum privacy.   tables for meals or working   the individually adjustable
         ous options gives travelers   Lets have a closer look at   and a personal wardrobe   lighting and the 10-inch
         a detailed picture of the   comforts and luxuries of   with a large mirror.    tablet for controlling all seat,
         product benefits.         Lufthansa Allergris.        The First Class Suit Plus of-  lighting and entertainment

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