Page 12 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
P. 12


         time considerations. Airlines                                                  cabin upgrade it launches
         should put aside around one                                                    a preliminary feasibility
         year’s time starting from the                                                  discussion with external
         proposed meeting with the                                                      partners, MROs, vendors
         provider. For mor complicat-                                                   etc. The airline draws up a
         ed cases requiring designing                                                   concept including –
         of new seats or complex                                                         -     Layout of Passen-
         cabin upgrades can take up                                                     ger Accommodation (LOPA)
         to three-years of time.                                                         -     Rough Order of
          Ideally airlines consider                                                     Magnitude (ROM)
         cabin upgrades during                                                           -     Due Dates
         C-checks to leverage the                                                        -     Available MRO and
         downtime and minimise                                                          hangar slots
         the operations impact. But                                                      During this exploratory
         if the retrofit might take                                                     phase, the airline work with
         longer than a month then it                                                    Airbus Upgrades Services on
         is advisable to do it during   the kits are delivered  sequence and the associated   defining the post-mod LOPA
         winters or lull-periods in air   When these SBs are final-  job cards.         long before the SB design
         travel.                   ised and approved, they are   The development, quali-  can be finalised. Also known
                                   delivered by Airbus to the   fication, manufacture and   as the “Aircraft Interior
         It also depends of course   MRO around one month be-  delivery of new seat mod-  Control Document” (AICD),
         on the MRO availability in   fore the first kits arrive from   els – especially if an airline   the LOPA is essentially the
         terms of slots.           Airbus’ dedicated logistics   wants to have brand new   engineering diagram which
          The Service Bulletin au-  centre in Hamburg, Finken-  business class seats can   outlines the aircraft’s cabin
         thoring phase typically start   werder, and the customer’s   add up to 36 months to the   interior which includes loca-
         some six to nine months   aircraft enters the working   ‘critical path’ in terms of the   tions of passenger and crew
         before embodiment, during   party hangar. This is the   overall project planning and   seats, emergency equip-
         which Airbus is in close con-  approximate time needed   lead time.            ment, lavatories, galleys and
         tact with the customer to en-  for the MROs production   Preliminary groundwork for   the exits.
         sure no structural, systems   planners and manufactur-  the customer’s Requests for   Many customers already
         clashes or other ‘surprises’   ing engineers to study the   Proposals (RFPs)   have a good initial idea of
         once the aircraft arrive and   SBs and prepare the work   Once the airline decides on   what they want to imple-

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