Page 1 - Aircraft Interiors India -April-may 2024-fn
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The A350 cabin retrofits – An Airbus      Pg08

                                                               Q & A WITH SAFRAN SEATS - ‘Operators are
                                                               determined to to uphold and elevate quality   Pg20
                                                               of their interior offerings’

                                                               Qatar Airways reveal Sama 2.0 – AI powered
                                                               human cabin crew                          Pg32

          INAUGURAL EDITION                                                                     APRIL / MAY 2024

         The A350

                       cabin retrofits

           an AIRBUS


                                                                             EXCLUSIVE                  Pg04

                                                                            ‘India’ – One of the largest
                                                                            upcoming  markets for
                                                                            aircraft interiors

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